It is almost impossible to see the line where you opened the trade. It is faint and there seems to be nowhere where you can make it thicker or more visible. Please help.
It is almost impossible to see the line where you opened the trade. It is faint and there seems to be nowhere where you can make it thicker or more visible. Please help.

I supposed a quick & dirty way is to just draw a thick OBJ_HLINE over it... through code you can even make it unselectable so that when u click, u still click your trade rather than the thick line... 

used channel 
Seng Joo Thio:

I supposed a quick & dirty way is to just draw a thick OBJ_HLINE over it... through code you can even make it unselectable so that when u click, u still click your trade rather than the thick line... 

That is an idea thank you. Will use it.
What do you mean by THROUGH CODE?
niloufar mohamadi:
used channel 
Not sure what you mean?
Seng Joo Thio: make it unselectable so that when u click, u still click your trade rather than the thick line... 

Or enable the ALT option so you alt-click to select the trade. No code necessary.

That is an idea thank you. Will use it.
What do you mean by THROUGH CODE?

:) I meant adding a few lines in the EA to automate the drawing of such a line whenever a new trade is entered, or modified, and make it unselectable by users.