Reading text from user in mql4


Hello i hope someone can help me. I want to know which function to use to capture when a user uses the 'draw text' tool on the chart. 

What i am trying to use allow the user to use the text tool to type on the chart then the EA would interpret what the user typed and use it in executing a trade.


Hello i hope someone can help me. I want to know which function to use to capture when a user uses the 'draw text' tool on the chart. 

What i am trying to use allow the user to use the text tool to type on the chart then the EA would interpret what the user typed and use it in executing a trade.

Nice idea :).

You can use OnChartEvent() to capture the moment when the object has been created or changed, then check through it's type to make sure it's a text object, before trying to interpret it's content.

Documentation on MQL5: Event Handling / OnChartEvent
Documentation on MQL5: Event Handling / OnChartEvent
//|                                          OnChartEvent_Sample.mq5 | //|                        Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //|                                    | //| Expert initialization function                                   |...