can not apply for jobs


I know it seems crazy I have to report this problem in forum, but I can not find any other place to report this

it's some hours I can not apply for jobs, even for jobs created under my name, I dont know why?!


One possible reason is Webmaster always update this website and sometimes inaccessible, that's why some parts of this web not works properly for sometime.

They need to update website in off days , frequently updating creates problems 

Waseem Raza:

One possible reason is Webmaster always update this website and sometimes inaccessible, that's why some parts of this web not works properly for sometime.

They need to update website in off days , frequently updating creates problems 

thanks for response, but it is now 3-4 hours i can not apply for jobs, site updates usually happen in some minutes

Hooshang Nosratpanah:

thanks for response, but it is now 3-4 hours i can not apply for jobs, site updates usually happen in some minutes


is your problem solved?