Fibo Additional tool


I use mt4's inbuilt fibo tool a lot, and would like to be able to duplicate this on a permanent setting.

Have looked for additional - user input - fibo tool to add but all the ones i find are auto fibo tools.

Does anyone know how i can either permanently copy mt4's inbuilt fibo tool and then rename it, so

I have my permanent set up on it, along with the usual one, which i've also customised to suit my

trade set up.  Or have a code for user input additional fibo tool that i can customize to my levels.


(I know I can copy it down and then re-set, and keep the original one resident, but this is very

annoying to keep on doing across different charts)


Thank you, hugs


Isn't a template applicable for your needs ?

Isn't a template applicable for your needs ?


Argh yes, of course, what a bimbo i am.

Thank you, and sorry for wasting your time.


