How to to change signal provider ?



I want to change my signal provider.

I have payed 90 USD for a 3 months subscription 

Now, because my provider has changed the base currency of his account, he had to change his signal too.

How can I switch from the old signal to the new signal ?


Dan Moldovan:


I want to change my signal provider.

I have payed 90 USD for a 3 months subscription 

Now, because my provider has changed the base currency of his account, he had to change his signal too.

How can I switch from the old signal to the new signal ?


You can't switch signals.

You can cancel your signal subscription and you will get a refund for any unused months.

Then you can subscribe to the other signal.

Eleni Anna Branou:

You can't switch signals.

You can cancel your signal subscription and you will get a refund for any unused months.

Then you can subscribe to the other signal.


but this is what I see when trying to cancel.

It tells me that I will be charged with the whole amount

What is actually going to happen ?

Capture.PNG  108 kb
Dan Moldovan:


but this is what I see when trying to cancel.

It tells me that I will be charged with the whole amount

What is actually going to happen ?

As far as I know, when you cancel a multi-month signal subscription you are only charged for the month(s) that have been passed and you get a refund for any future months that haven't been used.

You may want to contact the Service Desk for clarification.