If drawdown 55%, subscribers still can copy the signal?



If my signal account drawdown is 55.5%, still can get get subscribers to copy the signal? 


yes you can provide u can justify your DD but most signal subscriber look for low DD so much better avoid too much DD on your signal account..:)
Hock Leong Ang:


If my signal account drawdown is 55.5%, still can get get subscribers to copy the signal? 



After your drawdown reaches 30%, no new subscribers can subscribe, and your current subscribers can't renew their subscription. Your account becomes locked and the only way to unlock that, is to reduce the drawdown to less tan 30%.If you don't close the trades by the end of the month, your subcribers lose their subscription and their trades opened by your signal remain open in limbo without beign controlled by you.

BTW, this is the correct answer, no the other one.


about drawdown - reply from admin:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Signals Service FAQ

Rashid Umarov , 2015.05.27 12:42

The subscription is prohibited if the current drawdown exceeds 30%.
Sergey Golubev:

about drawdown - reply from admin:

Drawdown can reset?
Hock Leong Ang:
Drawdown can reset?

I am not exactly sure ... but I think that this "warning automated machine" (together with "rating automated machine") are working on monthly basis.

It means that if everything will be improved for the previous month (if the signal provider improved his trading style) so the "warning automated machine" will delete those warnings on the current month, and the "rating automated machine" will accept the subscription for the signal and will rate the signal.

Hock Leong Ang:


If my signal account drawdown is 55.5%, still can get get subscribers to copy the signal? 


While your live open position's drawdown is more than 30%, new subscribers cannot subscribe to a signal.

Thank for all advice. My strategic is high risk with high return. But i try improve my drawdown in future.