Does MQL5 automatically adjust your lot sizes to return the same percentage as the trade signal you follow?



I'm about to follow a trader but before I do, he uses a relatively small balance but all his stats are good and the reviews are good so I am willing to follow him. My question is, if I have a much larger balance than him and I begin to follow him, will MQL5 automatically adjust my trades to return the same percent he makes per month or is that something I have to do manually?


It was asked many times ... so please read this small thread:  

signal provider has minimal volume 0.01, subscriber has 0.10 - how to change minimal volume ????
signal provider has minimal volume 0.01, subscriber has 0.10 - how to change minimal volume ????
  • 2013.04.18
In my journal, when i'm using VIACHI signal , i get this : 2013.04...