You think too much OrderModify (every tick) could tempt unscrupulous brokers to mess with you?


I have an EA that in order to be as effective as possible is changing the Sell Stops , Profit levels, and everything that the spread sort of "messes with"; anything that is not exact because of the spread I have taken the time to make everyhing as accurate as possible despite of the spread. This results in order modify every tick on active trade levels. Depending on how large is the spread, something is always changing on the actual active trade levels themselves. So every time the spread changes, an OrderModfiy happens. This is the best way in theory for my actual strategy, however, I've never been live and I'm relatively new to the game. Looks like one of those things that is good in theory but in practice can actually be a horrible idea.

Do you think such a ridiculous amount of OrderModifying can make a normal or an unscrupulous broker act up somehow or tempt them to mess my stops because it screams "algorithmic trader" or anything like that? Would lag up the whole thing and be bad? Not advised I'm guessing.. I was going to hide my actual stops for live as much as I could so I figured if I'm going to hide the stops well the OrderModifying like that is giving me away as an EA trader anyway. I've heard horror stories about brokers messing with the trade levels if you are obviously trading from an EA or doing anything weird or annoying to them somehow.

What you think?

Do you think such a ridiculous amount of OrderModifying

I suspect you will get this:



Too many requests

If they would mess with the spread, they are going to do it anyway so also without your every tick modifications.
Marco vd Heijden:
If they would mess with the spread, they are going to do it anyway so also without your every tick modifications.


Marco vd Heijden:
If they would mess with the spread, they are going to do it anyway so also without your every tick modifications.
Anthony Garot:

I suspect you will get this:



Too many requests

yes luckily ive gotten 0 of those so far bc handling just one order at a time 

still gonnna remove the module thx

I would think brokers "expect" customers to use robots, manual trading is so démodé nowadays... The only problem I foresee is overloading your cpu, which by today's standards is hardly possible anyway. I'd avise you to keep using the usual shadow SL and TP on every tick and just modify the order on the broker's side once per candle, or once per  minute or every five minutes, whatever makes you feel confortable in case you lose Internet connectivity or power supply, it's your call. That's more than enough in my opinion.
If you think you're pulling one over on your scammy broker by moving your orders around every tick then think again. The broker's dealing desk is automated and faster than your EA could ever hope to be. Do you know what slows your EA down more than anything? Blocking calls to the broker server for tomfoolery.
bool ModifyStopLossOncePerSec(double newSL) {
  static datetime lastcall=0;
  datetime dt=TimeCurrent();
  if(lastcall==dt) return false; // too often
  // modifying stop loss here

This is how I do it at the moment, it's a somewhat simplified function. Static variables are quite helpful when it comes to remember things.