I don't know what happened with my account, who can help me? - page 2

My account doesn't want to open I have no idea what happened, please help.
If you are talking about trading account so - ask your broker to help.
If it is about this mql5 profile so check your login/pass (just to be sure that you are typing the correct ones).
You need to be first check your ID password. Please enter your correct id/ pass Then check. If not open then click forgotten password. Then follow step rules step by step.
And yes if your trading account don't open ask your broker, if you sign up with your any phone number then you recieve a confermation code.
But first ask your broker.

Thank you


I wanted to verify my account and the request was rejected
I don't know what mistake I made
Please help me verify the account
So that I can publish my products
Thank you