If i have EURUSD and EURUSDp, signal provider has EURUSD


Hi, if i have symbold in my mt4 EURUSD and EURUSDp and signal provider has EURUSD, I want it to copy the trade on only EURUSDp NOT EURUSD, can that be done?

I read this already:

If a Subscriber's account has a symbol with the same name as the one on the Provider's account, and trading is fully allowed for the symbol, trades will be copied for this symbol. If trading is allowed partially or disabled for the found symbol, this symbol is considered inappropriate for copying, and the system will continue to search for a suitable symbol:

On the Subscriber's account, the system searches for all symbols with the names coinciding with the Provider's symbol by the first 6 characters. For example, EURUSD == EURUSDxxx == EURUSDyyy.

Full permission to perform trading is checked for each detected symbol. If trading is allowed partially or completely forbidden, such a symbol is discarded.

Margin calculation type is checked for each remaining symbol - if it is Forex, a symbol is considered to be suitable. Symbols of CFD, Futures or other calculation types are discarded.

If no symbols remain after conducting all the checks or more than one symbol is found, it is considered that a symbol mapping attempt has failed and it is impossible to copy Provider's trades for that symbol.

If one suitable symbol is found, it is used for copying Provider's trades.

The algorithm provides only two exceptions for metal symbols:



In these two cases, only full permission to perform trades is checked. If such permission is present, the mapping attempt is considered to be successful.

Example 1: A Provider has positions on EURUSD, while a Subscriber – on EURUSD! (or vice versa) with full trading permission. The terminal performs mapping automatically and copies the trades.

Example 2: A Provider has positions on EURUSD, while a Subscriber – both on EURUSD! and EURUSD. The copying is performed for EURUSD.

Example 3: A Provider has positions on GOLD, while a Subscriber – on XAUUSD with full trading permission. The terminal performs mapping automatically and copies the trades.

Example 4: A Provider has positions on GOLD, while a Subscriber – on XAUUSD with close-only (partial) trading permission. The mapping is considered unsuccessful and no copying is performed.


I think - the most important is the following (from this part of Signal FAQ) - 


4. If no symbols remain after conducting all the checks or more than one symbol is found, it is considered that a symbol mapping attempt has failed and it is impossible to copy Provider's trades for that symbol.
5. If one suitable symbol is found, it is used for copying Provider's trades.

Sergey Golubev:

I think - the most important is the following (from this part of Signal FAQ) - 


4. If no symbols remain after conducting all the checks or more than one symbol is found, it is considered that a symbol mapping attempt has failed and it is impossible to copy Provider's trades for that symbol.
5. If one suitable symbol is found, it is used for copying Provider's trades.

so if i understand correctly, by this it means if both EURUSD and EURUSDp are present the mapping would fail and trades won't copy.

But if only EURUSDp is present than the trade will copy.

Am I correctly understanding?


so if i understand correctly, by this it means if both EURUSD and EURUSDp are present the mapping would fail and trades won't copy.

But if only EURUSDp is present than the trade will copy.

Am I correctly understanding?

I am not sure ... but I think:
If EURUSD together with EURUSDp and EURUSDm ... or

It is not detalized ..


Hi, if i have symbold in my mt4 EURUSD and EURUSDp and signal provider has EURUSD, I want it to copy the trade on only EURUSDp NOT EURUSD, can that be done?

I read this already:

If a Subscriber's account has a symbol with the same name as the one on the Provider's account, and trading is fully allowed for the symbol, trades will be copied for this symbol. If trading is allowed partially or disabled for the found symbol, this symbol is considered inappropriate for copying, and the system will continue to search for a suitable symbol:

On the Subscriber's account, the system searches for all symbols with the names coinciding with the Provider's symbol by the first 6 characters. For example, EURUSD == EURUSDxxx == EURUSDyyy.

Full permission to perform trading is checked for each detected symbol. If trading is allowed partially or completely forbidden, such a symbol is discarded.

Margin calculation type is checked for each remaining symbol - if it is Forex, a symbol is considered to be suitable. Symbols of CFD, Futures or other calculation types are discarded.

If no symbols remain after conducting all the checks or more than one symbol is found, it is considered that a symbol mapping attempt has failed and it is impossible to copy Provider's trades for that symbol.

If one suitable symbol is found, it is used for copying Provider's trades.

The algorithm provides only two exceptions for metal symbols:



In these two cases, only full permission to perform trades is checked. If such permission is present, the mapping attempt is considered to be successful.

Example 1: A Provider has positions on EURUSD, while a Subscriber – on EURUSD! (or vice versa) with full trading permission. The terminal performs mapping automatically and copies the trades.

Example 2: A Provider has positions on EURUSD, while a Subscriber – both on EURUSD! and EURUSD. The copying is performed for EURUSD.

Example 3: A Provider has positions on GOLD, while a Subscriber – on XAUUSD with full trading permission. The terminal performs mapping automatically and copies the trades.

Example 4: A Provider has positions on GOLD, while a Subscriber – on XAUUSD with close-only (partial) trading permission. The mapping is considered unsuccessful and no copying is performed.

You have to try and see, some suffixes are not a problem and positions are copied alright, some are.