How to officially register an indicator???? - page 2

Marco vd Heijden:

I am pretty sure it is already in use and that you are not going to change anything about it.

And if it is unique as you say, it will be very hard to prevent unauthorized usage, once it's out. 

And I am absolutely sure that it is NOT in use by others and JUST I HAVE IT, because I create it and it is not copy, it is ORIGINAL.

This fear of unauthorized usage indicate the Gresham`s Law, so I do not publish it.

There are lots of copycats out there. I've seen decompiled ex4 files that were forged to bypass credentials and I've seen even MetaQuotes copyrighted indicator source that was dubbed with a false copyright, albeit 100% identical. So you want to claim sort of a patent on your indicator, huh? Think about how easy it'd be to decompile and mod that stuff. I'd take that advice, build a profitable strategy around it and sell the signal. That's my beginner's point of view.
I am agree with you in this case, I want to register it as a patent and then come up with solutions to prevent unauthorized use.
I am agree with you in this case, I want to register it as a patent and then come up with solutions to prevent unauthorized use.

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