How iterate over CHashMap?


I have populated HashMap with keys and values.

Now I need to iterate over all pair (key, values).

How to do this?

CHashMap don't have a method CHashMap.items().



I'd suggest to use CopyTo to copy the map content into an array. See CopyTo for IMap.

Once you got the keys in your array you just loop over it.

int count=map.CopyTo(keys,values);
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Library / Generic Data Collections / IMap
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Library / Generic Data Collections / IMap
Standard Library / Generic Data Collections / IMap - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

Another possibility is to use an array of objects instead of CHashMap. (per @nicholi shen)

Anthony Garot:

Another possibility is to use an array of objects instead of CHashMap. (per @nicholi shen)

Definitely this. I have found very little use for dictionaries in MQL, however, if you are using CHashMap and need iterate the items then use the CopyTo method.

   CHashMap<string, int> d;
   d.Add("one", 1);
   d.Add("two", 2);
   d.Add("three", 3);
   string keys[];
   int values[];
   d.CopyTo(keys, values);
   for (int i=0; i<d.Count(); i++)
      Print(keys[i], " ", values[i]);