Dividing 2 long values(both above 0) return 0 !


Hi ,

I have an issue, I am taking tick volume data and getting percent rates. The problem is that when i take the bullish and bearish tick data(both much above 0) and divide them and after that *100 , i get 0. I printed out everything and i find no logical reason for that. The data is taken with the MQL5 DOM - the processes are managed within the onbookevent handler.

  double lastAsk=0;
  double lastBid=0;
  double lastTotal=0;
  long lastBear=0;
  long lastBull=0;
  long lastBoth=0;
   bool getBook=MarketBookGet(symbol,book);
      int size=ArraySize(book);
      for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
         else if(book[i].type==2)
          {Print("type == ",book[i].type);}  

      Print("Could not get contents of the symbol DOM ",Symbol());

      for(int i=ArraySize(Biddata)-1;i>=0;i--)


      for(int i=ArraySize(Askdata)-1;i>=0;i--)


      double totalVolumeBar1 = totalAskvolumeBar1+totalBidvolumeBar1;
      double totalVolumeBar2 = totalAskvolumeBar2+totalBidvolumeBar2;
      double Bar1AskPercent = (totalAskvolumeBar1/totalVolumeBar1)*100;
      double Bar1BidPercent = (totalBidvolumeBar1/totalVolumeBar1)*100;
      double Bar2AskPercent = (totalAskvolumeBar2/totalVolumeBar2)*100;
      double Bar2BidPercent = (totalBidvolumeBar2/totalVolumeBar2)*100;
      double CurAskPercent = (lastAsk/lastTotal)*100;
      double CurBidPercent = (lastBid/lastTotal)*100;

      long totalTickBar1 = totalAskTickBar1+totalBidTickBar1;
      long totalTickBar2 = totalAskTickBar2+totalBidTickBar2;
      double Bar1AskTickPercent = (double)(totalAskTickBar1/totalTickBar1)*100;
      double Bar1BidTickPercent = (double)(totalBidTickBar1/totalTickBar1)*100;
      double Bar2AskTickPercent = (double)(totalAskTickBar2/totalTickBar2)*100;
      double Bar2BidTickPercent = (double)(totalBidTickBar2/totalTickBar2)*100;
      double CurAskTickPercent = (double)(lastBull/lastBoth)*100;
      double CurBidTickPercent = (double)(lastBear/lastBoth)*100;
      Print(lastBear," ",lastBoth," ",CurBidTickPercent);

Thats the code.

I hope someone will have a solution!


Stanislav Ivanov:

Hi ,

I have an issue, I am taking tick volume data and getting percent rates. The problem is that when i take the bullish and bearish tick data(both much above 0) and divide them and after that *100 , i get 0. I printed out everything and i find no logical reason for that. The data is taken with the MQL5 DOM - the processes are managed within the onbookevent handler.

Thats the code.

I hope someone will have a solution!


The problem with your code is that you are doing integer math with an implicit cast to double. You need to cast int/long values to double before you divide them. Better yet use a function. 

void OnStart()
   long x = 1; 
   long y = 2;
   Print(percentage(x, y));     

template<typename T1, typename T2>
double percentage(T1 numerator, T2 denominator)
   return double(numerator) / double(denominator) * 100.0;
Stanislav Ivanov: divide them and after that *100 , i get 0. I printed out everything and i find no logical reason for that.
On MT4 v434, division quotient don't give floating point values(Bug??) - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum 2012.09.18
nicholi shen:

The problem with your code is that you are doing integer math with an implicit cast to double. You need to cast int/long values to double before you divide them. Better yet use a function. 

thanks a lot , worked !!