Mql4 or Mql5, with which start?


Hello everybody, first of all sorry for my poor English. My name is Lucas and I'm a programmer and I want start to make some EAs.

Searching in google I found that metatrader and mql are the current leaders in automated trading market but with the recent launch of metatrader 5/mql5 and the well estabilished metatrader 4/mql 4 I don't know with which I should start.

My plan is to have a good EA in 1 ou 1 and half year.

So, with which should I start?

Thanks a lot. 


MQL5, as it provides more reusable code through OO design.

Plus, MT5 will surely experience more improvements along the way, while MT4 is stuck with its vast limitations.

Welcome to the community. :) 


Hello everybody, first of all sorry for my poor English. My name is Lucas and I'm a programmer and I want start to make some EAs.

Searching in google I found that metatrader and mql are the current leaders in automated trading market but with the recent launch of metatrader 5/mql5 and the well estabilished metatrader 4/mql 4 I don't know with which I should start.

My plan is to have a good EA in 1 ou 1 and half year.

So, with which should I start?

Thanks a lot. 

Are you Brazilian?

I quit my job and start to work with Metatrader5 a year ago. My advice is read all the Terminal help, and all the MQL5 help. I know it is boring but for me it worked, gave me a good base.

I also took a book of C++ to improve my skills in programming. After this, try to rewrite some good code examples that exist  here, it helps a lot.

Welcome, and Good look !



Are you Brazilian?

I quit my job and start to work with Metatrader5 a year ago. My advice is read all the Terminal help, and all the MQL5 help. I know it is boring but for me it worked, gave me a good base.

I also took a book of C++ to improve my skills in programming. After this, try to rewrite some good code examples that exist  here, it helps a lot.

Welcome, and Good look !


Yes, I am xD.

 I have experience with C/C++ and Java, I get the documentation and start to read.

 Tks a lot.