width of line


hello everybody, 

First, sorry for my english.

Is it possible to set a line width a line width a double/decimal value. 

In parameter, we can set only unit number like 1, 2, 3

My problem is that 1 is too thin and 2 is too thick. I want to set a line of my indicator with 1.5.

Thanks in advance for yours answer

Integers only (windows)

hello everybody, 

First, sorry for my english.

Is it possible to set a line width a line width a double/decimal value. 

In parameter, we can set only unit number like 1, 2, 3

My problem is that 1 is too thin and 2 is too thick. I want to set a line of my indicator with 1.5.

Thanks in advance for yours answer

This is possible using a canvas, but it is necessary to write a function for line with a double type width. I plan to write such a function in the future.
To disable this behaviour please go to Options -> Settings and set the Magnet sensitivity to 0: