Where should I report this MT4 Error ?


hi there,

I come across this error a lot..

See below image..

The MT4 coders just need to see if a variable name  already exists. (Text 8277 in this case)



If possible,post the code
mntiwana Tiwana:
If possible,post the code

There is no code, I just pick the rectangle tool and these pop up when I try to draw something.

PS: I use these a lot.. long history there..

is there a file corrupt? or hit by a computer virus?


I tried reproducing your error.

It says "Object name "Text 8277" is already used". Then why don't you use another name?

is there a file corrupt? or hit by a computer virus?

NO, computer is clean, Windows 10, runs good.

I've been seeing this error for many years.. 

Naguisa Unada:

I tried reproducing your error.

It says "Object name "Text 8277" is already used". Then why don't you use another name?

Of course I do, I add random chars like "sdfdsfds" after the "Text 8277", but it wastes my time..  I have to fill all the values again..


Guys, Thank you all for the support..

But, plz try to understand the topic of the thread.. I'm not looking for a solution to this problem from fellow members..

I'm trying this error reach the coders who wrote MT4.. This is a BUG inside MT4.

Hope you understand!