help needed for verification pictures

I have recently bought a hampster ea of the mql5 market place which is fine but i am having trouble registering it coz i cant provide the right right picture with the right amount of pixles. When I use an editor it rejects the photo coz its been enhanced by a third party. Anyone got any ideas of what i can do please the pichas to be at least 2048 x1536 pixels in size
Shaun Redshaw:
I have recently bought a hampster ea of the mql5 market place which is fine but i am having trouble registering it coz i cant provide the right right picture with the right amount of pixles. When I use an editor it rejects the photo coz its been enhanced by a third party. Anyone got any ideas of what i can do please the pichas to be at least 2048 x1536 pixels in size

1. You addressed your issue in the wrong category

2. All this has been already discussed and solved in this thread