How I Do BackTest For five Symbol In the Same Time Show Me On The Chart - like live trader ? - page 2

My question, is there a possible way to obtain test results (for computation in the EA) while the EA in running Live. I want to know, maybe that is where OnTesterpass and the likes come to play
Thank you everyone for trying to help, but I don’t think you understand the problem, 

Please give a step by step, click by click, breakdown of how someone can Backtest/optimize multi currencies at the same time?

The links that have been posted to try and help us are all very vague or we are very slow 😵‍💫 to understand these articles 

Thank you in advance


Finaly I get the solution to show other charts in strategy tester;

I coppied somme lines from DARWINEX youtube chanel

so you cand add this lines to your mql5 ea and you get what you want.

#include <StdLibErr.mqh>

input string   TradeSymbols         = "AUDCAD|AUDJPY|AUDNZD|AUDUSD|EURUSD";   //Symbol(s) or ALL or CURRENT
input int      BBandsPeriods        = 20;       //Bollinger Bands Periods
input double   BBandsDeviations     = 1.0;      //Bollinger Bands Deviations

int      NumberOfTradeableSymbols;
string   SymbolArray[];
int      TicksReceivedCount         = 0;

int handle_BollingerBands[];
//Place additional indicator handles here as required
ulong    OpenTradeOrderTicket[];    //To store 'order' ticket for trades
//Place additional trade arrays here as required to assist with open trade management

   if(TradeSymbols == "CURRENT")  //Override TradeSymbols input variable and use the current chart symbol only
      NumberOfTradeableSymbols = 1;

      ArrayResize(SymbolArray, 1);
      SymbolArray[0] = Symbol();
      Print("EA will process ", SymbolArray[0], " only");
      string TradeSymbolsToUse = "";

      if(TradeSymbols == "ALL")
         TradeSymbolsToUse = AllSymbolsString;
         TradeSymbolsToUse = TradeSymbols;

      //CONVERT TradeSymbolsToUse TO THE STRING ARRAY SymbolArray
      NumberOfTradeableSymbols = StringSplit(TradeSymbolsToUse, '|', SymbolArray);

      Print("EA will process: ", TradeSymbolsToUse);


   Print("All arrays sized to accomodate ", NumberOfTradeableSymbols, " symbols");

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

//|                                                                  |
void ResizeIndicatorHandleArrays()
//Indicator Handles
   ArrayResize(handle_BollingerBands, NumberOfTradeableSymbols);
//Add other indicators here as required by your EA
//|                                                                  |

//SET UP REQUIRED INDICATOR HANDLES (arrays because of multi-symbol capability in EA)
bool SetUpIndicatorHandles()
//Bollinger Bands
   for(int SymbolLoop=0; SymbolLoop < NumberOfTradeableSymbols; SymbolLoop++)
      //Reset any previous error codes so that only gets set if problem setting up indicator handle

      handle_BollingerBands[SymbolLoop] = iBands(SymbolArray[SymbolLoop], Period(), BBandsPeriods, 0, BBandsDeviations, PRICE_CLOSE);

      if(handle_BollingerBands[SymbolLoop] == INVALID_HANDLE)
         string outputMessage = "";

         if(GetLastError() == 4302)
            outputMessage = "Symbol needs to be added to the MarketWatch";
            StringConcatenate(outputMessage, "(error code ", GetLastError(), ")");

         MessageBox("Failed to create handle of the iBands indicator for " + SymbolArray[SymbolLoop] + "/" + EnumToString(Period()) + "\n\r\n\r" +
                    outputMessage +
                    "\n\r\n\rEA will now terminate.");

         //Don't proceed
         return false;

      Print("Handle for iBands / ", SymbolArray[SymbolLoop], " / ", EnumToString(Period()), " successfully created");

//All completed without errors so return true
   return true;

//|                                                                  |
bool tlamCopyBuffer(int ind_handle,            // handle of the indicator
                    int buffer_num,            // for indicators with multiple buffers
                    double &localArray[],      // local array
                    int numBarsRequired,       // number of values to copy
                    string symbolDescription,
                    string indDesc)

   int availableBars;
   bool success = false;
   int failureCount = 0;

//Sometimes a delay in prices coming through can cause failure, so allow 3 attempts
      availableBars = BarsCalculated(ind_handle);

      if(availableBars < numBarsRequired)

         if(failureCount >= 3)
            Print("Failed to calculate sufficient bars in tlamCopyBuffer() after ", failureCount, " attempts (", symbolDescription, "/", indDesc, " - Required=", numBarsRequired, " Available=", availableBars, ")");

         Print("Attempt ", failureCount, ": Insufficient bars calculated for ", symbolDescription, "/", indDesc, "(Required=", numBarsRequired, " Available=", availableBars, ")");

         //Sleep for 0.1s to allow time for price data to become usable
         success = true;

         if(failureCount > 0) //only write success message if previous failures registered
            Print("Succeeded on attempt ", failureCount+1);


   int numAvailableBars = CopyBuffer(ind_handle, buffer_num, 0, numBarsRequired, localArray);

   if(numAvailableBars != numBarsRequired)
      Print("Failed to copy data from indicator with error code ", GetLastError(), ". Bars required = ", numBarsRequired, " but bars copied = ", numAvailableBars);

//Ensure that elements indexed like in a timeseries (with index 0 being the current, 1 being one bar back in time etc.)
   ArraySetAsSeries(localArray, true);


//|                                                                  |
void OutputStatusToChart(string additionalMetrics)
   double offsetInHours = (TimeCurrent() - TimeGMT()) / 3600.0;

   string symbolsText = "SYMBOLS BEING TRADED: ";
   for(int SymbolLoop=0; SymbolLoop < NumberOfTradeableSymbols; SymbolLoop++)
      StringConcatenate(symbolsText, symbolsText, " ", SymbolArray[SymbolLoop]);

   Comment("\n\rMT5 SERVER TIME: ", TimeCurrent(), " (OPERATING AT UTC/GMT", StringFormat("%+.1f", offsetInHours), ")\n\r\n\r",
           Symbol(), " TICKS RECEIVED: ", TicksReceivedCount, "\n\r\n\r",
           "\n\r\n\r", additionalMetrics);


Hello all.

I have the same objective. I´ve built one EA that runs several strategics over differents symbols but I also have some mechanics to close all the positions daily or monthly base when the balance target is reached (profit/loss). So every strategy runs independently but all of them share the same balance.

The code that Bellal MOHAMMEDI shared is very interesting and useful but I believe that the Ontick Event only is triggered when a tick comes from just one of all the symbols. I understand that you can select just one symbol by chart.  

I would like to have something like an option where you can select multiple EA/Symbols running over the same Date range and sharing the balance.

Thanks in advance.

Sergey Golubev #:

To make it shorter (from here)

What everyone failed to mention in this thread was a one line answer that could have solved half of the queries here, is that, to activate multi symbol capability in tester's pop up chart is to declare at least one indicator handle on all the required symbols in the OnInit() function. This will start showing the required symbols in Tester's Pop up Chart's market watch window and then you have trading access to all symbols.