How do I run this code once per day?

I have a cycle with Print(). This string should be printed once per day only. There is the code:
int Hour = 20;
int Minute = 20;

int OnInit()
Hour = timeTemp.hour;
Minute = timeTemp.min;


void OnTimer()

MqlDateTime ActivationTime;
TimeToStruct(TimeCurrent(), ActivationTime);

if (ActivationTime.hour == hour && ActivationTime.min == minute)
Print("This code should be printed once per day");

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

It has 2 issues:

1) When chart gets alot of ticks, it do more then one Print().

2) When disconnect happens or just there is a end of trading session on current instrument, time in terminal freezes and this cycle run without ending untill it gets tics and time becomes unfreezed.

So how do I run this code once per day even if there is disconnect happens?

static datetime timeday=0;
if (timeday!=iTime(_Symbol,PERIOD_D1,0))
   Print("This code should be printed once per day");
I have a cycle with Print(). This string should be printed once per day only. There is the code:

It has 2 issues:

1) When chart gets alot of ticks, it do more then one Print().

2) When disconnect happens or just there is a end of trading session on current instrument, time in terminal freezes and this cycle run without ending untill it gets tics and time becomes unfreezed.

So how do I run this code once per day even if there is disconnect happens?

1) it doesn't make sense, it is a timer, it is not bound to OnTick()...

2) Use TimeLocal() (your computer's time) if you don't need to rely on server time...
