Take one trade at a time EA


Hi guys. I would like to ask a small favour. This EA has multiple trades open at the same time (not sure what the developer did). Can I ask if you guys can put a parameter that only allows one trade open at a time? I have attached the EA.

Thanks for any sort of help.

Bimodal.mq4  4 kb
Bimodal.ex4  9 kb
Ask the developer.
Marco vd Heijden:
Ask the developer.

The EA was done a long time a go and the developer does not respond. I'm sure it is not hard I just don't know any mq4 code, I only know python otherwise I would have done it myself duh.


The EA was done a long time a go and the developer does not respond. I'm sure it is not hard I just don't know any mq4 code, I only know python otherwise I would have done it myself duh.


void OnTick()
   int nb_buy = count_order(0);
   if( nb_buy == 0)
      if(CalculateRandom()==0 )
      int tic_buy = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lot,Ask,4,(Ask-stoploss),(Ask+takeprofit),NULL,0,0,clrDeepPink);
    else if(StandardMODE==true)
      double sar1;
         int tic = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lot,Ask,4,(Ask-stoploss),(Ask+takeprofit),NULL,0,0,clrDeepPink);

int count_order(int ord = -1 )
  int nb_ord = 0;
   for( int i=(OrdersTotal()-1);i>=0;i-- )
         if( OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false ) continue;    // Âûáèðàåì îðäåð
         if( OrderSymbol()==Symbol() )
           if( OrderType() == OP_BUY && ord == 0  )
             nb_ord ++;

  return( nb_ord );
Here you go another variant. 
Also your EA trade only BUY orders.
Bimodal.mq4  4 kb
Hi,I deposited money but it's not reflecting in my account