Indicators: Position Size Calculator - Based on VP money Management rules


Position Size Calculator - Based on VP money Management rules:

This indicator is based on the Money Management approach used by VP from <deleted> It uses ATR to calculate Stop Loss, Take Profit and Volume you should enter into a trade based on the percentage of your Equity you want to risk.

Position Size Calculator - Based on VP money Management rules

Author: wjbrown

Position Size Calculator - Based on VP Money Management rules
Position Size Calculator - Based on VP Money Management rules
Version 2.0 Uploaded - Version 1.xx users please update risk % This indicator is based on the Money Management approach used by VP from It uses ATR to calculate Stop Loss, Take Profit and Volume you should enter into a trade based on the percentage of your Equity you want to risk. Inputs Include :- ATR PeriodsInput Risk % eg...

Thank you.

Very helpful indeed.

Awesome! Thank you!

Great and Very helpful.

The text block works well but cannot be moved around the screen.

Also, on a small screen like on my MS Pro, the text block compresses vertically so that the lines overlap rendering them unreadable. I have overcome this by dragging each line to a new position thus separating them.

Again, this is a great help and I thank you for sharing it.

Very  nice
Love this! I use MT5 -  How do I convert this to MT5 source file?
Simple but useful if you are following VP! Thanks very much 
Andres Olsen:
Love this! I use MT5 -  How do I convert this to MT5 source file?

Hi Andres,

I'm in the same boat, see my mql5 transcode below.



//|                                                     pos_size.mq5 |
//|                                       Copyright 2018, Silverapex |
//|                                |
//|                                  mql5 version by Chris Plewright |
#property copyright "Copyright 2018, Silverapex"
#property link      ""
#property version   "B-1.02"
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_plots   0

#include <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsTxtControls.mqh>
#include <Tools\DateTime.mqh>

input int               InpATRperiod=14;          // ATR Periods
input double            InpRisk=0.01;            // Risk Size %
input double            InpSLfactor=1.5;         // Stop Loss as a factor of ATR
input double            InpTPfactor=1.0;         // Take Profit as a factor of ATR
input int               InpFontSize=8;          // Font size
input color             InpColor=clrMagenta;         // Color
//input ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT InpAnchor=ANCHOR_LEFT;   // Anchor type
//input bool              InpBack=false;           // Background object
//input bool              InpSelection=false;      // Highlight to move
//input bool              InpHidden=true;          // Hidden in the object list
//input long              InpZOrder=0;             // Priority for mouse click

string AccntC= AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY); //Currency of Acount eg USD,GBP,EUR
string CounterC=StringSubstr(Symbol(),3,3);        //The Count Currency eg GBPUSD is USD
string ExC=AccntC+CounterC;                        //Create the Pair for account eg USDGBP

CChartObjectEdit  m_text_labels[];
int    m_atr_handle;
double m_atr_buffer[];

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()

    //--- Average True Range indicator
    m_atr_handle=iATR(Symbol(), 0, InpATRperiod );
    if(m_atr_handle==INVALID_HANDLE) {
        printf("Error creating ATR indicator");
    ArraySetAsSeries( m_atr_buffer ,true);

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
   double ExCRate=1;                                            //Assume Account is same as counter so ExCRate=1
   AccntC=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);// AccountCurrency(); //Currency of Acount eg USD,GBP,EUR
   CounterC=StringSubstr(Symbol(),3,3);                           //The Count Currency eg GBPUSD is USD
   ExC=AccntC+CounterC;                                           //Create the Pair for account eg USDGBP
      ExCRate= SymbolInfoDouble(ExC,SYMBOL_ASK);                  //Get the correct FX rate for the Account to Counter conversion
   if(ExCRate ==0) ExCRate=1.0;
   if(CopyBuffer(m_atr_handle,0,0, 1,m_atr_buffer)!=1) 
      Print("CopyBuffer into m_atr_buffer from iATR failed, not enough data yet");
   double ATRPrice=m_atr_buffer[0];
   double ATRPoints=m_atr_buffer[0]/_Point;                         //Get the ATR in points to calc SL and TP
   double riskVAccntC=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY)*InpRisk;    //Risk in Account Currency
   double riskvalue=(ExCRate/1)*riskVAccntC;                      //Risk in Counter Currency
   double slpoints=(ATRPoints*InpSLfactor);                      
   double riskperpoint=(riskvalue/slpoints);
   double lotSize=riskperpoint;                                  //Risk in currency per point
   if(CounterC=="JPY")                                           //Fudge to cope with JPY points being bigger

   double ask = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK)/_Point;
   //double bid = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID)/_Point;
   double buySLPoints = -1*ATRPoints*InpSLfactor;
   double buySLPrice = (ask + buySLPoints)*_Point;
   double buyTPPoints = ATRPoints * InpTPfactor;
   double buyTPPrice = (ask + buyTPPoints)*_Point;
   double sellSLPoints = ATRPoints*InpSLfactor;
   double sellSLPrice = (ask+sellSLPoints)*_Point;
   double sellTPPoints = -1*ATRPoints*InpTPfactor;
   double sellTPPrice = (ask+sellTPPoints)*_Point; 
   text_update("textATR",StringFormat("ATR(%.0f): %.0f pt, %.5f %s",InpATRperiod,ATRPoints,ATRPrice,CounterC ));
   text_update("textEQUITY",StringFormat("Equity: %.2f %s",AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY),AccntC));
   text_update("textRISK",StringFormat("Risk: %.2f %s %.2f %s",riskVAccntC,AccntC,riskvalue,CounterC));
   text_update("textlotsize",StringFormat("Volume: %.2f Lots",lotSize));
   text_update("textBuySL",StringFormat("Buy SL: %.0f pt, %.5f %s",buySLPoints,buySLPrice,CounterC ));
   text_update("textBuyTP",StringFormat("Buy TP: %.0f pt, %.5f %s",buyTPPoints,buyTPPrice,CounterC ));
   text_update("textSellSL",StringFormat("Sell SL: %.0f pt, %.5f %s",sellSLPoints,sellSLPrice,CounterC ));
   text_update("textSellTP",StringFormat("Sell TP: %.0f pt, %.5f %s",sellTPPoints,sellTPPrice,CounterC ));


//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer() 
void upddateTimeLeft() 
   datetime now = TimeCurrent();
   datetime tm[]; // array storing the bar time
   //--- copy time 

   int thisbarseconds = (tm[0]-tm[1]);

   int seconds =thisbarseconds -( now - tm[0] ); // seconds left in bar 

   int minutes= MathFloor(seconds/60);
   int hours  = MathFloor(seconds/3600);

   minutes = minutes - hours*60;
   seconds = seconds - minutes*60 - hours*3600;

   if(Period()<240) text_update("texttimeleft",StringFormat("Time Left: %2.2d:%2.2d",minutes,seconds) );
   else text_update("texttimeleft",StringFormat("Time Left: %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d",hours,minutes,seconds) );
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   for ( int idx = 0; idx < ArraySize(m_text_labels); idx++)
//Function to create a text field in the main Window
int text_init(const string obj_label)
   int idx = ArraySize(m_text_labels);
   ArrayResize( m_text_labels, idx + 1);
   int width = (int)MathCeil( 41 * InpFontSize );
   int x_dist = (int)MathCeil( (5 * InpFontSize) + width);
   int height = (int)MathCeil( 3 + 3*InpFontSize );
   int y_dist = (int)MathCeil( height * (idx + 1) );

   if( ! m_text_labels[idx].Create(ChartID(),obj_label,0,x_dist,y_dist,width,height) )
      Print("Error: can't create label! code #",GetLastError());
   m_text_labels[idx].BorderColor( m_text_labels[idx].BackColor() );
   m_text_labels[idx].TextAlign( ALIGN_RIGHT );
int text_update(const string obj_label,const string text )
    for ( int idx = 0; idx < ArraySize(m_text_labels); idx++)
       if ( m_text_labels[idx].Name() == obj_label )
          if ( m_text_labels[idx].Description() != text )
MT5 version!!!! Awesome! Great stuff :) Thank you!

thanks my friend 

there is very useful one



Hi all, 

My apologies for the confusion, but is this available for MT5? And if so, can anyone assist me with installing it? I have been following VP for about 4 weeks now, which lead me here. This calculator looks genius and I would love to be able to use it. Many thanks in advance and cheers to the other NoNonsense followers!