Developers not finishing on time


Is there a way to reduce the budget of a job if the developer is late on a job?

I don't think it is right that developers get the full money for a job which has a set and agreed time, as time is a big factor when considering price.

I realise that being late isn't good for developer's ratings etc. however, once the deadline has been passed, there's really no incentive for them to finish, as there's no 'penalty' for taking more and more time past the deadline.


First contact the developer and - if this doesn't help - read the rules about arbitration.

Carl Schreiber:

First contact the developer and - if this doesn't help - read the rules about arbitration.

I have many times, with fewer replies each time. 

I'm reassured that I will have the completed product 'today' but it never comes.

Also, I don't want to cancel the job, as I'm sure the developer can do it, I just don't feel it's right that the full payment is made, as the amount was based on a certain time as well.