Freelancers can leak your codes - page 3


I've suggested to service desk before that I wanna know who I can trust by reading freelancer reviews.

It's caused me too much arbitration on my account to be unnoticeable even for me., and nothing will be done.

So if the service become better I will be checking it out again otherwise looks like i might hire him or others again.

Brian Lillard:

If this isn't proof enough then let me know

I have wireshark logs and other screenshots

This is not proof and neither are wireshark logs.


I understand proof if it's understood as seeing my code in the hands of someone else but that person remains undisclosed.

Why digress from my statement that freelancers can leak codes? I believe it's odd as this resulted in entertaining buyers.

For one to then say there's no proof without any sort of a resolution is beyond absurd to me to say the least. Thanks all!


Treat it as lesson learnt. 

There is a reason why codes have to be developed in modules and each developer should only handle a particular module and not all of it. 

It is to protect the interest of the inventor. 

Same with every other retail products you see in the market. You will not have all the components of the product develop in only one country.


Could you post the same report with same spread on the same symbol, with your own EA name, date & hour logs please ? Otherwise it's your word against his own.