Deploy Products to the Market


Just wondering what the best practice is to deploy products to the market.

Do you have to set up a separate company then deploy as a Company?

Or should one deploy as an individual?

Do you have to declare the income and pay tax on it? personally vs company?

I live in the UK.


Just wondering what the best practice is to deploy products to the market.

Do you have to set up a separate company then deploy as a Company?

Or should one deploy as an individual?

Do you have to declare the income and pay tax on it? personally vs company?

I live in the UK.

It depends on you.

If you choose to get verified as an individual, all you just have to do is to provide a personal recognized national/international ID.

I really don't know about the UK, but don't think you have to so far your payment does not land into a corporate/current account.