Annual Forecast ?

What Annual Forecast means and how often it updates ?

Vaclav Macak:
What Annual Forecast means and how often it updates ?


Annual forecast of what?

Keith Watford:

Annual forecast of what?

Annual forecast of signal from "Statistics" page. I have an account with equity $924 and Profit $47. Account works for 3 months, but Annual forecast shows 0%.

In the deleted images, a link to the signal was in the header. I overlooked it and sorry. The edited pictures are no longer referenced.
Vaclav Macak:
What Annual Forecast means and how often it updates ?


I do not kniow how it is updated (but not in several times in a day just for sure).
And I found the description about Annual Forecast in this article - 


Tips for Selecting a Trading Signal to Subscribe. Step-By-Step Guide 

On the right side you can see growth for the last month and annual forecast based on this growth.

Thank you for the answer and the link to the article. I understand that when the monthly growth is negative, the annual forecast shows -100%.
But why does my signal have both pointers at 0%? From the beginning of November, it has grown by at least 10%.
Vaclav Macak:
Thank you for the answer and the link to the article. I understand that when the monthly growth is negative, the annual forecast shows -100%.
But why does my signal have both pointers at 0%? From the beginning of November, it has grown by at least 10%.

No idea.
I think - it may be recalculated later.

But as I know (someone pointed it in rus part of the forum): some stats figures are related to the initial balance, and it is not related to the money which the signal provider is deposited later to the account.
Means: if you started the signal with 300 dollars (if you connect your signal provider's account to the Signal service with 300 dollars) so the stats is based on this 300 dollars irrespective of how many times you deposited to the account.
It was the explanation I found (but someone should confirm because I am not really sure about sorry).

Sergey Golubev:

No idea.
I think - it may be recalculated later.

But as I know (someone pointed it in rus part of the forum): some stats figures are related to the initial balance, and it is not related to the money which the signal provider is deposited later to the account.
Means: if you started the signal with 300 dollars (if you connect your signal provider's account to the Signal service with 300 dollars) so the stats is based on this 300 dollars irrespective of how many times you deposited to the account.
It was the explanation I found (but someone should confirm because I am not really sure about sorry).

In the upper left corner there is a chart showing an account growth of -100%. If the value is calculated from $ 300, it is about 300%. If it is calculated from $ 903 (300 + 300 + 303 deposits), then the total growth is about 5%.

Can someone ask for a check?

If not, would it be possible to delete the signal so that I can start a new signal to the same business account without history? I do not want to set up a new business account.


I am not moderating the Signals sorry (and I am not a signal provider).
But I found one post with explanation about how to edit/delete the signal (for signal providers) - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Me again...need help to change strategy description

Eleni Anna Branou, 2017.02.05 10:02

You can edit your signal's description by clicking on the edit button, on the far right side of your signal page:




I see the following on the signal stats: 
Gross Loss = -963.38 USD
If it is calculated from 300 dollar initial so it is loss anyway (margin call).

Anyway, I may be mistaken ...

Sergey Golubev:

I am not moderating the Signals sorry (and I am not a signal provider).
But I found one post with explanation about how to edit/delete the signal (for signal providers) - 


I see the following on the signal stats: 
Gross Loss = -963.38 USD
if it is calculated from 300 dollar initial so it is loss anyway.

Thank you for your time. Gross loss is really -963 USD, but Gross profit is 1014 USD.

The described way of deleting the signal does not work. The signal is deleted, but after the new signal is set, the old number remains and nothing changes. I'll probably have to start a new business account.

Thanks again and wish a nice weekend.

Vaclav Macak:

Thank you for your time. Gross loss is really -963 USD, but Gross profit is 1014 USD.

The described way of deleting the signal does not work. The signal is deleted, but after the new signal is set, the old number remains and nothing changes. I'll probably have to start a new business account.

Thanks again and wish a nice weekend.

Your history can't change and also you can't use the same account to create a new signal here in