Validation of SELLER ACCOUNT!


Hi community and please excuse me for posting here, but as of now, i don't know where to write anymore.

Can you please provide a contact link for the MQL5 website ? 

I'm trying to validate a seller account in order to act as a freelancer and to improve the community but the staff of left my application in the air. more than 2weeks have passed and nothing happened. 

only thing i got is a reply in the comment section of the profile, saying "please have patience, we're doing it one at a time" .... dude... it's more than 2 weeks for an ID check which any other site does it automatically.

i do faster KYC / AML checks for money transfers than a simple ID check on this website.

Please provide a contact form of any type.

Thanks a lot !

All the best, hope to see you in the freelance section.

PS: admins, if i posted incorrectly, please feel free to change the post in what section you consider it fit. Thank you and please excuse me if i wrote it in a bad section.


The discussion about this subject is going on the following thread: 
"My seller's account not approved" 


For information.

My Seller Account Not Approve
My Seller Account Not Approve
  • 2018.09.21
I have opened my account in mql5 which has been more than 6 months and has not been opened yet, I have completed all the document and multi, still...