having trouble converting double to int then back to double - page 2

Feng Guozheng:

damn! such this problem i havd sloved ,

just by using the same code showed at the first post.

i know the issus about the float/double,why it is so difficult for you?

beats me you can run the indicator your self if you like 


beats me you can run the indicator your self if you like 

Ok,here we go~

fist you need to know ,for easy to test,i do something to the code:

      double m1_IRS = iRSI(NULL,1,14,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
      m1_IRS=0.69;//for debug
i forced the m1 is 0.69,whick will be stored as  0.689999999999999  

the i change you code :

 ObjectSetText("m_1","M1    "+m1_IRS,9,NULL,m1color);


      //ObjectSetText("m_1","M1    "+m1_IRS,9,NULL,m1color); //Original
      ObjectSetText("m_1","M1    "+MyDoubleNormalization(m1_IRS,0.01),9,NULL,m1color); //fixed the display

so is your problem of #1 sloved ? :D

i leave the other M*_IRS unchange and don't forget to comment/deleted the m1_IRS=0.69 ,if it is ok for you.

rsibot.mq4  17 kb
Feng Guozheng:

Ok,here we go~

fist you need to know ,for easy to test,i do something to the code:

      double m1_IRS = iRSI(NULL,1,14,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
      m1_IRS=0.69;//for debug
i forced the m1 is 0.69,whick will be stored as  0.689999999999999  

the i change you code :

 ObjectSetText("m_1","M1    "+m1_IRS,9,NULL,m1color);


      //ObjectSetText("m_1","M1    "+m1_IRS,9,NULL,m1color); //Original
      ObjectSetText("m_1","M1    "+MyDoubleNormalization(m1_IRS,0.01),9,NULL,m1color); //fixed the display

so is your problem of #1 sloved ? :D

i leave the other M*_IRS unchange and don't forget to comment/deleted the m1_IRS=0.69 ,if it is ok for you.

seems good to me thanks 
