Why are my CPU cores not available to the MQL Cloud Network?

MT5 recognizes 16 cores in my PC, but when I try to make them available on the MQL Cloud, only one populates the available core panel, and it defaults to Stopped. (See screen grab.) Any ideas about what's going on? Could it be my security software blocking it?

It is impossible to understand "why" - not enough information.

But there is one summary thread here All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud
(all possible cases/issues/decisions etc are written there so you may find your case there).


The agent at issue here are on WIN 10, however, it is running on a Mac under BootCamp and VMWare, which loads Wintel machine while MacOS is operating (so you can swap between Mac and Win systems live). That might be the problem: Virtual operating system.

The other computer I am using -- which correctly loads agents -- is a MacBook Air, however Win 10 is running on BootCamp as a dedicated Win 10 machine.