stop loss do not working

Hi everybody!

First, sorry for my bad english.

Today(30/10), i received a invite to update my MT5.
I accepted.
After this, i began to work im MT5.
For two times, my Stop Loss no dont was accepted.
The market dont do a gap in my order,  my SoptLoss was crossed, but dont was activated.
I recived a great loss for this bug.
error.jpg  875 kb
error2.jpg  912 kb
Cross? SL size?
Diogo Ludwiger:
Hi everybody!

First, sorry for my bad english.

Today(30/10), i received a invite to update my MT5.
I accepted.
After this, i began to work im MT5.
For two times, my Stop Loss no dont was accepted.
The market dont do a gap in my order,  my SoptLoss was crossed, but dont was activated.
I recived a great loss for this bug.

Have you check the BID and ASK price which one was crossed or both were crossed?

Al Imran Suvro:

Have you check the BID and ASK price which one was crossed or both were crossed?

Hi dude.
Yes, both were crossed.
error.jpg  875 kb
hello this is happening with me as well aftee putting stop loss , it doesnt work I have attached image .. this is on mt5 app .. if anyone can help pls let me know!!
my stop loss did not work too...i just updated my MT5 and first trade was going well, then out of the blue,booom...the trades went over my stop loss and my bid level....why is that??i lost a lot