object mouse pointer info --> need hide


Hi programmers,

When the mouse pointer is near of an object (or a candle), a kind of information bubble which contains the name of the object appears.

I would like to know if it's possible to hide this information :

- temporary

- for a given object in particular

Thank you for your support !


ObjectSetString(0,<name of your object>,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP,"\n");
ObjectSetString(0,<name of your object>,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP,"");
ObjectSetString(0,<name of your object>,OBJPROP_TOOLTIP,"Erwann Pannerec");
1. Disable; 2. Show default information; 3. Write your name there.
1. Disable; 2. Show default information; 3. Write your name there.

Thanks for the tip... didn't know you could disable it. 


Hi Kypa !

Thank you for your reply !!
