Copying Signals


Hi all,

I am sorry for such a basic question but i subscribed to a signal,

i checked all the appropriate boxes and everything and the signal on the left of my balance says copying signals. However, still i dont see any trade being made por anything. although the provider has been trading for the last week. i cant seem to copy his trades.

If you could help me out that would be great.


Hi all,

I am sorry for such a basic question but i subscribed to a signal,

i checked all the appropriate boxes and everything and the signal on the left of my balance says copying signals. However, still i dont see any trade being made por anything. although the provider has been trading for the last week. i cant seem to copy his trades.

If you could help me out that would be great.

Make sure you've done eveything as described here:


Hi Eleni,

Thanks for the comment, i have done everything besides the vps

What i am not understanding is, there hasnt been a single trade executed, 

Even for me to use VPS, the signal should be copied while i am online for the past six hours. 


Hi Eleni,

Thanks for the comment, i have done everything besides the vps

What i am not understanding is, there hasnt been a single trade executed, 

Even for me to use VPS, the signal should be copied while i am online for the past six hours. 

I can't see your settings, so I can only asume that there is something else configured wrong.

Please contact the signal provider.