Crypto Currencies - page 3

Where can I find the Crypto Currencies like 'Ethereum, Ripple and Bitcoin' ??

Send them all out!!

Sergey Golubev #:

Some brokers are proposing cryptocurrencies for trading in Metatrader 5.

True but not the most trendy apart from BTC and ETH.

BTC soon UP or DOWN guys?
Malik Ridwansyah #:
BTC soon UP or DOWN guys?
My first thought would be to wait until the mid-term elections. You can bet your last dollar that there will be a huge rash of emotional trading. I suspect that it'll surge upward and then correct very quickly, which is why I am setting up my trades with trailing stops and conservative take-profits, and some tight stop-losses as well. The emotional traders will lose big. The cerebral traders will be wise, not greedy, and be able to ride profits up for a bit. DON'T GET GREEDY. I think that we'll start to see some "angst" in the market a few days before the elections, and then big movement during and shortly after the results filter in. That'll last a day or two at most, in my humble estimation. Whales will take huge profits; greedy and emotional traders will take huge losses. It's the way of the market. Trade well. Stay in the green!!
Are blockchain and cryptocurrencies the same? What is the current condition of the crypto market?
Ricky991 #: Are blockchain and cryptocurrencies the same? What is the current condition of the crypto market?

No they are not the same thing. Nickel, copper and and zinc are used to make coins. That does not make nickel or copper the same as a coin.

I suggest you do some research on your own to know the difference between blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Where can I find the Crypto Currencies like 'Ethereum, Ripple and Bitcoin' ??

you can use Simple FX MT4