my account not yet aproved as a seller

i have uploaded my id documents for verification. but not yet aproved my account as a seller.i think now around 5 days .its status 'waiting for approve' .pleas help me
Buddika Sampath: i have uploaded my id documents for verification. but not yet aproved my account as a seller.i think now around 5 days .its status 'waiting for approve' .pleas help me

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Still Waiting to have seller confirmation
Still Waiting to have seller confirmation
  • 2018.08.16
Hello, I am still waiting to have my profile confirmation as a seller in order to work as a freelancer...
me too, i have uploaded my id documents for verification. but not yet aproved my account as a seller.i think now around 30 days .its status 'waiting for approve' .pleas help me, anser me

why no one is not interested in problems

why no one is not interested in problems

Because no one is moderating it - it is automatically.
Means: if you do everything in right way so you will be approved.


read the last pages of this thread where the people are sharing the experience about - 

My seller's account not approved

My Seller Account Not Approve
My Seller Account Not Approve
  • 2018.09.21
I have opened my account in mql5 which has been more than 6 months and has not been opened yet, I have completed all the document and multi, still...
Buddika Sampath:
i have uploaded my id documents for verification. but not yet aproved my account as a seller.i think now around 5 days .its status 'waiting for approve' .pleas help me

You did something wrong with the whole process which is by the way very well explained an in detail on the page...

I'm from Brazil, I followed the instructions in every detail, I got approved in 6 minutes, after uploaded the documents required...
