Probleme d'affichage récurrent sur site MQL5


Je 1I 2

Here are two screenshots made the same day at different times. As we can see, there is a superimposed text and another object that is not in their proper place.

I do not see any problem sorry.
It may be something with your font size in the browser, or scale in browser. 
You can press and hold down CTRL key and roll with the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Good evening and thank you for answering me.

The first image and with a 100% zoom

The second image and with a 75% zoom

As you can see it does not solve the problem.

I want to specify that I meet this problem on site (MQL5).

Raphael Chabbert:

Bonsoir et merci de me répondre.

La première image et avec un zoom de 100%

La deuxième image et avec un zoom de 75%

Comme on peut le voire sa ne résout pas le problème.

Je tien à préciser que je rencontre ce problème que sur se site (MQL5).

The problem is on your side, I 've checked it on 3 computers and 4 different browsers.


Raphael, please only post in English on this forum.

I have used the site's translation tool to translate and edit your posts.

Hello everyone,

I think I found the problem!

When I display the site page (MQL5) in the original language = everything is fine.

When I display the site page (MQL5) translated into French = display problem.

I 3I 4

So I think the problem comes from the consection of the site!
Raphael Chabbert:
Hello everyone,

I think I found the problem!

When I display the site page (MQL5) in the original language = everything is fine.

When I display the site page (MQL5) translated into French = display problem.

So I think the problem comes from the consection of the site!

There is no French translation of this site - 


All web pages are translated with the Google search engine.
Raphael Chabbert:

All web pages are translated with the Google search engine.

Your French page was translated by google search engine only.
The other language pages are the original ones (Russian page is original Russian without translation, English page is the English language one without any translation, and so on ... nothing was translated by google).

You used google to translate onto French language?
If yes so your question/issue/bug is related to the google (ask them).