calculate margin


hi all

I have 830 euro on the micro account with lever 1:30 to want to trade eur / usd can I have margin problems?

How to calculate how much margin do you have to hold a position with x micro lots?
Creative Studio: I have 830 euro on the micro account with lever 1:30 to want to trade eur / usd can I have margin problems?
How to calculate how much margin do you have to hold a position with x micro lots?

Leverage of 1:30 = 1/30 = 3.333333% Margin

For EUR/USD, 1 Contract (1 Lot) = 100000€, so Margin is 100000€ * 3.333333% = 3333.33€

  • For 1 Full Lot (1.00), you will need 3333.33€ Margin
  • For 1 Mini Lot (0.10), you will need 333.33€ Margin
  • For 1 Micro Lot (0.01), you will need 33.33€ Margin
  • For 1 Nano Lot (0.001), you will need 3.33€ Margin
why then gives me 134 error with 0.01 lots?

thanks for the answer that was very clear and concise. 1 Doubt ... € 33.33 refers to the entire position to open it?
Creative Studio: why then gives me 134 error with 0.01 lots? thanks for the answer that was very clear and concise. 1 Doubt ... € 33.33 refers to the entire position to open it?

When you say you have a Micro account with a balance of 830€, does that mean that it is a cent account and that in reality you only have 8.30€ balance of real money? If so, then that is your answer!

Margin is based on volume(lots), not on the price of the instrument at the time. So you have to actually sum up all the costs, such as spread and commission as well as the stop-loss to find out if you will have enough money in your account to cover the costs and risk of the trade.

micro account
balance: € 830

function for margin:

bool ConfermaMargine(string Simbolo,int OrdineType,double LotSize) { 
   if(AccountStopoutMode()==0 && MathRound(AccountMargin()+AccountFreeMargin()-AccountFreeMarginCheck(Simbolo,OrdineType,LotSize))!=0 && (100*AccountEquity()/(AccountMargin()+AccountFreeMargin()-AccountFreeMarginCheck(Simbolo,OrdineType,LotSize)))<AccountStopoutLevel() && GetLastError()==134)
      return false;
   else if(AccountStopoutMode()==1 && AccountFreeMarginCheck(Simbolo,OrdineType,LotSize)<AccountStopoutLevel() && GetLastError()==134)
      return false;
   return true;

LotSize must have as an expression 1.00 or 0.01 for 1 microlot?

Micro account

Creative Studio:

function for margin:

LotSize must have as an expression 1.00 or 0.01 for 1 microlot?

Micro account

I suggest you print out the values reported by each of the Account??? functions to see what values they are returning. Sometimes brokers don't return the correct values and you must verify that.