Question about the shortcut for viewing charts?

Hey Folks, is there a way I can switch the shortcut for viewing charts (ctrl+tab) to (alt+1)? Thanks
Hey Folks, is there a way I can switch the shortcut for viewing charts (ctrl+tab) to (alt+1)? Thanks

There is no way to reconfigure this shortcut in MT5 to cycle through charts. And, by the waym Ctrl-Tab is the standard way to cycle through tabs in Windows apps in general.

Maybe you can search for a way to reconfigure the whole Ctrl-Tab key in Windows itself, there are several apps (free and paid) that can do that...

Give it a try.


Minions Labs:

There is no way to reconfigure this shortcut in MT5 to cycle through charts. And, by the waym Ctrl-Tab is the standard way to cycle through tabs in Windows apps in general.

Maybe you can search for a way to reconfigure the whole Ctrl-Tab key in Windows itself, there are several apps (free and paid) that can do that...

Give it a try.


Thank You will give it a try :)


yes,you can。This  indicator change ctrl+tab to  KEY_RIGHT。

save as default.tpl ,you can use it anywhere in mt4.


//|                                                  myindicator.mq4 |

//|                        Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |

//|                                    |


#property copyright "Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp."

#property link      ""

#property version   "1.00"

#property strict

#property indicator_chart_window

#define KEY_NUMPAD_5       12

#define KEY_LEFT           37

#define KEY_UP             38

#define KEY_RIGHT          39

#define KEY_DOWN           40

#define KEY_NUMLOCK_DOWN   98

#define KEY_NUMLOCK_LEFT  100

#define KEY_NUMLOCK_5     101


#define KEY_NUMLOCK_UP    104

#property strict

#import "user32.dll"

void keybd_event(int bVk,int bScan,int dwFlags,int dwExtraInfo);


#define  REL 0x0002

#define  CTRL  17  

#define  TAB   9

#define  SHIFT   16

#define  PULS   107


//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |


int OnInit()


//--- indicator buffers mapping






//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |


int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,

                const int prev_calculated,

                const datetime &time[],

                const double &open[],

                const double &high[],

                const double &low[],

                const double &close[],

                const long &tick_volume[],

                const long &volume[],

                const int &spread[])



//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call




//| Timer function                                                   |


void OnTimer()





//| ChartEvent function                                              |


void OnChartEvent(const int id,

                  const long &lparam,

                  const double &dparam,

                  const string &sparam)




      if(lparam==187 || lparam=='6')






    if(id==CHARTEVENT_KEYDOWN) Print(lparam); //按键检测  

//    if(id==CHARTEVENT_CLICK)

//     {

//      Print("The coordinates of the mouse click on the chart are: x = ",sparam,"  y = ",sparam);

//     }

////--- the mouse has been clicked on the graphic object


//     {

//      Print("The mouse has been clicked on the object with name '"+sparam+"'");

//     }

//--- the key has been pressed





         case KEY_NUMLOCK_LEFT:  hou();   break;

         case KEY_LEFT:          hou();           break;

         case KEY_NUMLOCK_UP:    fangda();     break;

         case KEY_UP:            fangda();             break;

         case KEY_NUMLOCK_RIGHT: qian();  break;

         case KEY_RIGHT:         qian();          break;

         case KEY_NUMLOCK_DOWN:  suoxiao();   break;

         case KEY_DOWN:          suoxiao();           break;

         case KEY_NUMPAD_5:      Print("The KEY_NUMPAD_5 has been pressed");       break;

         case KEY_NUMLOCK_5:     Print("The KEY_NUMLOCK_5 has been pressed");      break;

         //  case PULS:              plusToZoon(); break;

         default:                Print("Some not listed key has been pressed");






void suoxiao()//缩小K线图周期函数 精简周期





      case PERIOD_M5:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_M15; break;

      case PERIOD_M15:  new_timeframe = PERIOD_M15; break;

      case PERIOD_M30:  new_timeframe = PERIOD_M15; break;

      case PERIOD_H1:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_M15; break;

      case PERIOD_H4:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_H1; break;

      case PERIOD_D1:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_H4; break;

      case PERIOD_W1:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_D1; break;

      case PERIOD_MN1:  new_timeframe = PERIOD_W1; break;









//|                                                                  |


void fangda()//放大K线图周期函数





      case PERIOD_M5:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_M15; break;

      case PERIOD_M15:  new_timeframe = PERIOD_H1; break;

      case PERIOD_M30:  new_timeframe = PERIOD_H1; break;

      case PERIOD_H1:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_H4; break;

      case PERIOD_H4:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_D1; break;

      case PERIOD_D1:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_W1; break;

      case PERIOD_W1:   new_timeframe = PERIOD_W1; break;

      case PERIOD_M1:  new_timeframe=PERIOD_M15; break;









//|                                                                  |


void writetext(string Labelname,string data,int x,int y,color ColorValue,int FontSize)//通过Object写文字




   ObjectSetText(Labelname,data,FontSize,"Times New Roman",ColorValue);






//|                                                                  |


void qian() //模拟按键 ctrl tab








//|                                                                  |


void hou() //模拟按键 ctrl tab shiht










void plusToZoon() //+号放大








When you post code please use the CODE button (Alt-S)!

Use the CODE button


You can use 'Tile Windows' menu item to fix the tab order.

After tabs are 'tiled', the tab order will be straight.

But, do not use 'Alt+R' shortcut. It does not fix the tab order.