how long does it take that mql5 set me to seller?

Bernhard Falkner:
Hy Guys does anybody knows how Long does it take to became seller status

Do a search, this has been asked and answered so many times.

Where is here a search button for fourm

I waited for 10 days. Then they found mistakes in profile. I've fixed that, and after 14 days in total, I'm here. So not less than 10 days bro.

Good luck

Bernhard Falkner:
Where is here a search button for fourm

How to make a search on the forum

How can I search for indicators and other elements in this forum?
How can I search for indicators and other elements in this forum?
  • 2017.05.29
How can I search for indicators in this forum? I need the Hodrick Prescott Filter for MT4. Please, if anyone can help me, I thank you in advance...