Expert Advisor question


Hello Everyone

I apologize in advanced if my question is very basic and it has already been answered before.

I trade with a broker that has over 400 instruments.

I need to seperate the one with Daily RSI below 70 and MACD above zero.

Is it possible to get the liast of all instruments that satisfy those two basic requirements.

I mean instead of me checking them out one by one, I have an expert advisor which simply just lists the instrument that satisfy those requirements.

Thank you very much



Hello Everyone

I apologize in advanced if my question is very basic and it has already been answered before.

I trade with a broker that has over 400 instruments.

I need to seperate the one with Daily RSI below 70 and MACD above zero.

Is it possible to get the liast of all instruments that satisfy those two basic requirements.

I mean instead of me checking them out one by one, I have an expert advisor which simply just lists the instrument that satisfy those requirements.

Thank you very much


Yes, that sort of thing is fairly trivial...

//|                                            RsiMacdAllSymbols.mq4 |
//|                                                      nicholishen |
//|                |
#property copyright "nicholishen"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
bool rsi(string symbol)
   double value = iRSI(symbol, PERIOD_D1, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
   return (_LastError == ERR_NO_ERROR && value != 0.0 && value < 70.0);
bool macd(string symbol)
   double value = iMACD(symbol, PERIOD_D1, 12, 26, 9, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 0);
   return (_LastError == ERR_NO_ERROR && value > 0.0);
int OnInit()
void OnDeinit(const int reason){}
void OnTick(){}

void OnTimer()
   string comment = "Symbols that meet criteria:\n\n";
   for(int i=SymbolsTotal(false)-1; i>=0; --i){
      string symbol = SymbolName(i, false);
      if(rsi(symbol) && macd(symbol))   
         comment += symbol + "\n";

I have deleted a post that was off-topic and completely in capital letters.

Posting in capital letters is considered shouting and very rude.