Historic trades imported on chart

Hello, I have a trade log exported from a signal from this website as a CSV file. 

Do you know if there is a way to take CSV file download of trade history and import it into MT4 and make the historic trades show up on the charts? 
Hello, I have a trade log exported from a signal from this website as a CSV file. 

Do you know if there is a way to take CSV file download of trade history and import it into MT4 and make the historic trades show up on the charts? 

Yes. Need to see the csv.

winterry: Hello, I have a trade log exported from a signal from this website as a CSV file. Do you know if there is a way to take CSV file download of trade history and import it into MT4 and make the historic trades show up on the charts? 
Yes, there is such a "Signal Plotter" in the CodeBase which you can use: https://www.mql5.com/en/code/17240
Tipu Signal Plotter
Tipu Signal Plotter
  • www.mql5.com
Ultimate Moving Average Moving Average based on Ultimate Oscillator. It calculates weighted average of three moving averages (Simple, Exponential, Smoothed or Linear Weighted). LB & SB using RSI & Momentum The same EA's as previously released. The additional code allows the user to set parameters on RSI and Momentum. Notify This library...

Here is another signal plotter that opens and plots trades on all charts if the symbol exists, and also accounts for changing columns.  

//|                                        PlotCsvOnChartsScript.mq4 |
//|                                                      nicholishen |
//|                         https://www.forexfactory.com/nicholishen |
#property copyright "nicholishen"
#property link      "https://www.forexfactory.com/nicholishen"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
#property script_show_inputs
#include <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsArrows.mqh>
#include <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsLines.mqh>
#include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>
#include <Files\File.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>

//|                                                                  |
class PlotTrade : public CObject
   CChartObjectArrow             m_in;
   CChartObjectArrow             m_out;
   CChartObjectTrend             m_line;
   static ulong                  s_count;
   string                        m_tooltip;
   virtual bool create( long     chart_id,   string symbol, 
                        int      order_type, double size,
                        datetime time_open,  double price_open, 
                        datetime time_close, double price_close,
                        double   profit)
      string name = "__plot_" + string(++s_count) + "_";
      int digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);
      m_tooltip = StringFormat("%s %.2f\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\nProfit: %s",
         order_type == OP_BUY ? "BUY" : "SELL", size,
         TimeToString(time_open), DoubleToString(price_open, digits),
         TimeToString(time_close), DoubleToString(price_close, digits),
         DoubleToString(profit, 2)
      color line_col = order_type == OP_BUY ? clrDodgerBlue : clrRed;
      if(!m_in.Create(chart_id, name + "in", 0, time_open, price_open, 1)
         || !m_out.Create(chart_id, name + "out", 0, time_close, price_close, 3)
         || !m_line.Create(chart_id, name + "line", 0, 
               time_open, price_open, 
               time_close, price_close
         || !m_line.RayRight(false)
         || !m_in.Color(line_col)
         || !m_line.Color(line_col)
         || !m_line.Style(STYLE_DOT)     
         || !m_in.Tooltip(m_tooltip)
         || !m_out.Tooltip(m_tooltip)
         || !m_line.Tooltip(m_tooltip) 
         return false;
      return true;
   virtual string tooltip() const { return m_tooltip; }
   virtual bool tooltip(const string tip) { 
      m_tooltip = tip; 
      return (
         && m_out.Tooltip(tip)
         && m_line.Tooltip(tip)
   virtual int Compare(const CObject *node, const int mode=0) const override {
      const PlotTrade *other = node;
      if(this.m_in.Time(0) > other.m_in.Time(0)) return 1;
      if(this.m_in.Time(0) < other.m_in.Time(0)) return -1;
      return 0;
ulong PlotTrade::s_count = 0;
//|                                                                  |

class PlotTradeSignalRow : public PlotTrade
   long              m_chart_id;
   string            m_symbol;
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   m_timeframe;
   int               m_offset;
   string            m_header[];
   string            m_data[];
   PlotTradeSignalRow(string header, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, int offset){
      StringSplit(header, ';', m_header);
      m_timeframe = timeframe;
      m_offset = offset * 60 * 60;
   virtual bool create(string row){
      if(StringSplit(row, ';', m_data) < 1)
         return false;
      m_symbol = _get("symbol");
      if(!chart_map(m_symbol, m_chart_id, m_timeframe))
         return false;
      int digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(m_symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);
      string order = _get("type");
      if(!(order == "Buy" || order == "Sell"))
         return false;
      int order_type = order == "Buy" ? OP_BUY : OP_SELL;
      double size          = double(_get("volume"));
      datetime time_open   = StringToTime(_get("time"));
      time_open += m_offset;
      double price_open    = double(_get("price"));
      datetime time_close  = StringToTime(_get("time", 2));
      time_close += m_offset;
      double price_close   = double(_get("price", 2));
      double profit        = double(_get("profit"));
      string comment       = _get("comment");
      if(price_close <= 0.0 || price_open <= 0.0 || time_open == 0 || time_close == 0)
         return false;
      bool parent_create = PlotTrade::create(
         m_chart_id, m_symbol, order_type, size,
         time_open, price_open, time_close, price_close, profit
         return false;
      this.tooltip(m_symbol + " " + this.tooltip());
      return true;
   string _get(string title, int count=1){
      int cnt = 0;
      int index = -1;
      int total = ArraySize(m_header);
      for(int i=0; i<total; i++){
         if(StringCompare(m_header[i], title, false) == 0){
            if(++cnt == count){
               index = i;
      return index >= 0 && index < total ? m_data[index] : NULL;
//|                                                                  |
class ChartAndSymbol : public CObject
   ChartAndSymbol(string sym):symbol(sym),chart_id(-1){}
   string symbol;
   long   chart_id;
   virtual int Compare(const CObject *node, const int mode=0)const override {
      const ChartAndSymbol *other = node;
      if(StringFind(this.symbol, other.symbol) >= 0
         || StringFind(other.symbol, this.symbol) >= 0
         return 0;
      return StringCompare(this.symbol, other.symbol, false);
//|                                                                  |
bool chart_map(string &symbol, long &chart_id, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)
   static CArrayObj list;
   ChartAndSymbol *s = new ChartAndSymbol(symbol);
   int index = list.Search(s);
   if(index >= 0){
      delete s;
      s = list.At(index);
      chart_id = s.chart_id;
      return true;
   int i;
   string symbol_name = NULL;
   for(i=SymbolsTotal(false)-1; i>=0; --i){
      symbol_name = SymbolName(i, false);
      if(StringFind(symbol_name, symbol) >= 0)
   if(i < 0){
      delete s;
      return false;
   long id = ChartOpen(symbol_name, timeframe);
   if(id < 0){
      delete s;
      return false;
   ChartSetInteger(id, CHART_AUTOSCROLL, false);
   s.symbol = symbol_name;
   symbol = symbol_name;
   s.chart_id = id;
   chart_id = id;
   return true;
//|                                                                  |
class FileCsv : public CFile
   bool OpenRead(const string file_name){
      return (CFile::Open(file_name, FILE_READ|FILE_CSV) != INVALID_HANDLE);
   string read_row(){
      return FileReadString(this.Handle());
//|                                                                  |
input string            inp_file_name   = "history.csv";//CSV File Name
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   inp_timeframe   = PERIOD_M15;  //Charts timeframe
input int               inp_hour_offset = 0;          //Hour offset 

void OnStart()
   FileCsv file;
   CArrayObj list;
      Alert("FileOpenError: ", ErrorDescription(_LastError));
   string header = file.read_row();
      PlotTradeSignalRow *row = new PlotTradeSignalRow(
         header, inp_timeframe, inp_hour_offset
         Print("Row not plotted");
Thanks everyone. 

For both options I'm having a little trouble getting it to work. Is there anything I need to double check?
Thanks everyone. 

For both options I'm having a little trouble getting it to work. Is there anything I need to double check?

Save the CSV to your MQL4/Files/ directory.