Waht is wrong with this single line of code?


I have written a code and in this part i get this error, Semicolon expected. How should i write this line to avoid this error?

extern int Chart.LeftTop.BarsL = 10;
Ali: I have written a code and in this part i get this error, Semicolon expected. How should i write this line to avoid this error?

The use of "." in a variable name is no longer allowed in MQL syntax, because it is now part of the Object-oriented Programming syntax.


Identifiers are used as names of variables and functions. The length of the identifier can not exceed 63 characters.

Characters allowed to be written in an identifier: figures 0-9, the Latin uppercase and lowercase letters a-z and A-Z, recognized as different characters, the underscore character (_).The first character can not be a digit.

The identifier must not coincide with reserved word.

Identifiers - Syntax - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference
Identifiers - Syntax - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference
  • docs.mql4.com
Identifiers - Syntax - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference
OK, thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate it.