How can I find the IP Addresses of my rented VPS?


How can I connect with Android? Mainly, I need to find the IP address to remotely connect to the VPS


MisterMT4: How can I connect with Android? Mainly, I need to find the IP address to remotely connect to the VPS.

If you are talking about MQL5's VPS service, then you can't do that. That is not how it works.

If you are talking about 3rd Party VPS, then contact your 3rd Party VPS Service Provider!

Fernando Carreiro:

If you are talking about MQL5's VPS service, then you can't do that. That is not how it works.

If you are talking about 3rd Party VPS, then contact your 3rd Party VPS Service Provider!

Thanks Fernando, I should have been sure of what I was ordering...thanks for the response