Android mobile phone MetaTrader4 NOT receiving anymore push message after computer hibernate due to battery flat


Hi guy,

Need your advise. I was able to receive push message everyday.

Android mobile phone MetaTrader4 apps NOT receiving anymore push message *** after computer hibernate due to battery flat ***.

I have restarted my laptop and restarted my mobile phone Metatrader4 apps. Still not receiving any push message from computer MT4.

I have checked the computer MT4 notifcation tab MetaQuotes ID match the Android mobile MT4 metaquoteID

Could you advise ?

Thanky you very much in advance


Are you able to receive the test message when you send it manually ?
Marco vd Heijden:
Are you able to receive the test message when you send it manually ?

Could you elaborate what  manually means?

I tried press "test" button on computer MT4 to push message, but still not receiving the message on mobile MT4.

thank you


Can you run this script and tell us what the error code is:

//|                                           TestPushNotication.mq4 |
//|        Copyright 2018,Marco vd Heijden,MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2018,Marco vd Heijden,MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
//--- Test Push Notification
   Print(SendNotification("PUSH TEST MESSAGE"));
Marco vd Heijden:

Can you run this script and tell us what the error code is:

Hi Marco,

Thank you for your time and effort.

I manage to open journal tab and saw message Notifications: not enough space for notification ....

I have deleted all all my notification message on mobile phone MT4. Where else can i delete the notification ?

I still have not receive message on mobile for this MT4 though i just created a new demo account again in MT4

I tried with other MT4 and when press "test" button I can see test message from other BUT NOT FROM other Mt4.

Could you advise ?

Thank you very much appreciate.

Did you run the script to get the error message ?

Noticication started to flow in after I change with the new login and restart the MT4.

Thank you very much Marco for your help . Appreciate your time at this wrong timing..

Best regards