How to show BTCUSD from Bittrex on MT5?


Hello everyone,

Please guide me how I can get the BTCUSD pair on the MT5 using Custom Symbol or anything else apart from the Market place of MT5. I am looking for some custom solution so I can display any pairs in future on MT5 charts.

Please do answer and enlighten me.

jaffer wilson: Please guide me how I can get the BTCUSD pair on the MT5 using Custom Symbol or anything else apart from the Market place of MT5. I am looking for some custom solution so I can display any pairs in future on MT5 charts.

Please do answer and enlighten me.

Find a broker that supports BTCUSD and it will be available in your symbols of the Market Watch. If your Broker does not have it, then it makes no sense to create a Custom Symbol for it because you will not be able to trade it.

Bittrex have an API, you'll need to write webrequests to it and process whatever comes back.

Read their documentation, it's not that bad.


Bittrex have an API, you'll need to write webrequests to it and process whatever comes back.

Read their documentation, it's not that bad.

Can you show me please? It will hep me understand. I wanted to know what exact methodology I can use. Please can you show an example. It will help for sure.

jaffer wilson: Can you show me please? It will hep me understand. I wanted to know what exact methodology I can use. Please can you show an example. It will help for sure.

The link to the documentation was provided. There are no simple examples for that. It is a highly complex task involving a Web API using REST calls and the processing of JSON data, and on the MT5 side the creation of a Custom Symbol; all of which are beyond your knowledge, skills and coding abilities, judging for the various threads you have started.

Instead of tackling so many projects (based the many threads you started), which are beyond your abilities, start with the basics with simple strategies, simple indicators and simple EAs and slowly build up from there. Slowly build up your understanding of how MetaTrader and MQL work. Learn the basic stuff first! Master them! Then move on to the next level.

If you try to do so many things, especially when they are beyond you, you will get nowhere fast and accomplish nothing useful. This takes years to acquire the necessary knowledge and gain the skills, so define realistic objectives and take one step at a time.

Fernando Carreiro:

The link to the documentation was provided. There are no simple examples for that. It is a highly complex task involving a Web API using REST calls and the processing of JSON data, and on the MT5 side the creation of a Custom Symbol; all of which are beyond your knowledge, skills and coding abilities, judging for the various threads you have started.

Instead of tackling so many projects (based the many threads you started), which are beyond your abilities, start with the basics with simple strategies, simple indicators and simple EAs and slowly build up from there. Slowly build up your understanding of how MetaTrader and MQL work. Learn the basic stuff first! Master them! Then move on to the next level.

If you try to do so many things, especially when they are beyond you, you will get nowhere fast and accomplish nothing useful. This takes years to acquire the necessary knowledge and gain the skills, so define realistic objectives and take one step at a time.

Why I always feel like you try to disrespect me everytime I ask some or the other query. May be the thing is beyond my or even your knowledge, thats the reason you always speaks something that is off topic. I do not mean to offend you, but if you have a related answer to what I ask then you reply sir, else let others help me, please. 

Disrespect will bring you disrespect from everywhere. Please make sure of it.

You call yourself a software developer and has no code base opinions on what I ask. Instead some ******* always. I do not have projects yet and I am trying to explore what I can and cannot do with MT5. If there is not much facility in MT5 then I have submit report for it. 

Thats what I am trying to achieve and trying to get help from the noble people of the forum. But if there is no one to help on what I am trying to ask, atleast do not suggest off topic stuffs on the thread. This does not help, instead makes the thread more boring then interesting to the people those who really wanted to answer the query genuinely.


Fernando is not disrespecting you, he is just being honest.

You should be looking at simpler projects until you learn the basics and then move on to the more complicated stuff.

We have had people here before who try to work beyond their skill level and they have constantly asked for help. It is frustrating when the help is given and then they are back with the same questions some time later because they have not given themselves time to absorb knowledge as they jump from one thing to another.

Keith Watford:

Fernando is not disrespecting you, he is just being honest.

You should be looking at simpler projects until you learn the basics and then move on to the more complicated stuff.

We have had people here before who try to work beyond their skill level and they have constantly asked for help. It is frustrating when the help is given and then they are back with the same questions some time later because they have not given themselves time to absorb knowledge as they jump from one thing to another.

Thank you for your enlightening words sir. But I ask mostly what I am in need and trying to achieve it through the MT5 software. I am convinced that when I ask any question most of people might think I am not listening or absorbing the points referred as answer to me. But can you imagine how frustrating it for the person who is hoping to get an answer and instead listen something else and get something else then expected. Then where should the person go? 

As you see Mr. Fernando, always try to speak something on my answers instead of shading light on the topic that I ask.

Hence, its a disrespect for me. Every person has there own terminology for respect and disrespect. Hence, I guess people should use neutral language or do not speak at all. I am not forcing the person to visit my thread and write something even if he/she don't know ABC of what I expect to hear. 

Just filling the thread for anything that comes to there mind without thinking about the person they refer. Previously, I have explained clearly to Mr. Fernando regarding my work. Still he intervene and say ****** regarding the thread I open.

Please sir moderator, try to understand, if this things appear on thread I have opened, most of the people even after knowing the answer don't kindly to write anything. Thats what I want to say.

Here is a collection of functions for MT4  , for the Binance API .It can be improved with JSON library though.
jaffer wilson: Thank you for your enlightening words sir. But I ask mostly what I am in need and trying to achieve it through the MT5 software. I am convinced that when I ask any question most of people might think I am not listening or absorbing the points referred as answer to me. But can you imagine how frustrating it for the person who is hoping to get an answer and instead listen something else and get something else then expected. Then where should the person go? 

As you see Mr. Fernando, always try to speak something on my answers instead of shading light on the topic that I ask.

Hence, its a disrespect for me. Every person has there own terminology for respect and disrespect. Hence, I guess people should use neutral language or do not speak at all. I am not forcing the person to visit my thread and write something even if he/she don't know ABC of what I expect to hear. 

Just filling the thread for anything that comes to there mind without thinking about the person they refer. Previously, I have explained clearly to Mr. Fernando regarding my work. Still he intervene and say ****** regarding the thread I open.

Please sir moderator, try to understand, if this things appear on thread I have opened, most of the people even after knowing the answer don't kindly to write anything. Thats what I want to say.

So you want answers and examples to your questions! OK, here they are (all achieved by using something called “Search”):

 There are probably plenty more, but I will leave that to you.

Connecting MT4 or MT5 to Bittrex
Connecting MT4 or MT5 to Bittrex
  • 2018.01.19
Hi all. Can anyone explain how to connect MT4 or MT5 to Bittrex...
jaffer wilson:

Hello everyone,

Please guide me how I can get the BTCUSD pair on the MT5 using Custom Symbol or anything else apart from the Market place of MT5. I am looking for some custom solution so I can display any pairs in future on MT5 charts.

Please do answer and enlighten me.

Hi Jaffer,

It's possible your broker doesn't deliver crypto-currencies. 

See where it says: "Click to add" - type in "BTC" there

If nothing comes up, your broker doesn't offer Bitcoin on their MT5 server.