Creating N indicators dinamically?


Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to create and show N lines where N as an Input of the user.

It looks I must declare at the beginning the 

#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_plots   3

and for each I have to declare the style, color, type and width.

I have tried to write the previous code indicating 3 buffers and writeing the left part dinamically using vectors but  I get errors

I have also declared double         Label1Buffer[3][];//<---invalid index value.


It's not possible in general. MT does not support array of arrays in indicators. You should think of a workaround and implement it. Here is my blogpost on one of possible solutions. But you need to reserve the property with highest limit anyway.
Stanislav Korotky:
It's not possible in general. MT does not support array of arrays in indicators. You should think of a workaround and implement it. Here is my blogpost on one of possible solutions. But you need to reserve the property with highest limit anyway.

thx a lot ;)