My Seller Account Not Approve - page 10


My connection keeps breaking down when I try to upload to the seller profile
Uploading a total of 6mb of pictures. 

I upload videos worth 500mb and they don't breakup my connection. 

Is there an alternative way to upload required documentation, rather than the default www.mql5/en/users/<username>/seller/profile

If It uploads then it sends time out. 

I  only have this problem with this site only 

Facing the same issue, my seller application is getting rejected and nobody got no clue what to do
Sussceful approved my account today
Rakesh Sharma:
Sussceful approved my account today

Please share with us How you took the selfie. 
send pic please

Also i am trying to open a seller account for couple of months.I am taking the photos by my phone and uploading then they tell me dont use third party program.I have never use any program i am writing to service desk but never answer to me anyone.Mql5 is really bad about that.There isnt any help to people.
my seller account is  approved today.I think photos must taking by phone and upload directly from phone.I did as I said and becareful the photos rules and make it QR code photos clear sometimes monitor is shining.
My Account Approved. Had o place laptop Direcly behinf me and QR code maximised and laptop screen was at Level with my head hen lil sister took picture
I think no one here for approving my account... It took more than 2 monthes but it did not approve yet

Hi all,

I have the same issue:

- I opened this account in 2015, uploaded ID image and was rejected as images not met conditions.

- I just checked back this account, upload again qualified ID as instructed for over 15 days but there is no feedback.

- I found that some people mentioned about taking image with QR code in the background, but I found nowhere to get QR code.

If I cannot proceed with current procedures, can I delete this account and re-open it?



Saban Onur Tuzun:
my seller account is  approved today.I think photos must taking by phone and upload directly from phone.I did as I said and becareful the photos rules and make it QR code photos clear sometimes monitor is shining.
Thank you for sharing . So just to make sure, the QR code must NOT be covered by your face even partially? In other words , the QR code should be next to your face not behind your face ?