My Seller Account Not Approve - page 14

i lost my sim  which i regstred mql5 profile,now i am not able to edit my old number with out otp,what is the solution

Ok I had the same problem here is what you need.

1. A mobile phone

2. computer

Step 1. login to on your mobile phone go to the seller tab and upload a picture of your drivers license, passport or what ever and this is going to open your camera app take the picture as instructed (legible and at least 50% of the picture size) click the check make and the file should upload.

Step 2. Login on your pc or mac too so now you logged in on your phone and your computer. Click open the qr code on your PC and then on your phone click upload photo with qr code and your mobile camera will open. now make sure you get the full qr code from your computer in the picture with you straight on no angles. (get help if you need it) Click the check make and you should be all set. 

This is the only way I could get it to work making sure I uploaded both pictures straight from my camera on my phone.


I opened account my seen one monthly ago but they allowed me to enter it hw I can do??


I submitted photos but it didnt met the requirement. My photos's resolution is less than 2048 x 1536 pixels. Does anyone know how to take picture that have enough resolution with the iphone. Thanks



I submitted the request for a Seller Status one month ago and I am still waiting for approval; first there was a problem with the pics but then after send the right ones I didn't receive any news!

Is anyone dealing with the same problem? 


at profile i cannot edit my last name, thats the problem, the submit menu are cannot operating, even i upload my ID. please resolve this.

I had a problem as well, when the form to the second steo and block, you cannot change the info there anymore.

You must write to the support. In some days they answer and see how to solve the problem , in your specify situation.

go to your profile - Seller (on the left) - Comments tab 

Write there about your situation.

Hope that it will be helpfull to anyone

Alberto Lucadello

Comments tab

Robert Roe:

Ok I had the same problem here is what you need.

1. A mobile phone

2. computer

Step 1. login to on your mobile phone go to the seller tab and upload a picture of your drivers license, passport or what ever and this is going to open your camera app take the picture as instructed (legible and at least 50% of the picture size) click the check make and the file should upload.

Step 2. Login on your pc or mac too so now you logged in on your phone and your computer. Click open the qr code on your PC and then on your phone click upload photo with qr code and your mobile camera will open. now make sure you get the full qr code from your computer in the picture with you straight on no angles. (get help if you need it) Click the check make and you should be all set. 

This is the only way I could get it to work making sure I uploaded both pictures straight from my camera on my phone.

Thank you so much robert it was very helpful.i tried taking 1000 pics none of them worked until i read your comment. 

support of MQL5 is very bad. nobody support.
Thu Nguyen Van:
support of MQL5 is very bad. nobody support.

Support is helping for/in financial issues only.
And this forum should be used for any other issues.

As to validation (registration as a seller) so - no one is supporting. Because the validation process is fully automated process.
It means: the validation robot is registering the sellers.


By the way ... are you going to be validated as a seller to sell everything ...
Does anyone is going to be validated as a buyer to buy anything? No one?

Who is sending the buyers to the sellers?
Buyers are coming by themselves?
Because the majority of the sellers did nothing to draw/to get the buyers ... 

So, it should be good balance between quantity of the buyers and the quantity of the sellers in the Market ...

Just my opinion (but I am not involved in validation process sorry).