According to your experience, how many indicators maximum could be implemented in an EA/strategy ?

  • 33% (15)
  • 18% (8)
  • 4% (2)
  • 4% (2)
  • 40% (18)
Total voters: 45
Could or should.
Marco vd Heijden:
Could or should.

Ah yeah "my tailor is rich".. err well "should", I meant how much are considered being too much 


Too much for what ?

For the system load ? Or to work as a trading system?

If you mean should, as in to form a strategy, you forgot zero. 

Marco vd Heijden:

Too much for what ?

For the system load ? Or to work as a trading system?

If you mean should, as in to form a strategy, you forgot zero. 

For a trading system. 

it depends.

Would you use an EA with 10 indicators altogether or would you rather choose a more simple but well mastered strategy ? Do you rely only on profit or do you prefer the manner ?

I remember to those who'll just join the topic, that plenty indicators used altogether to spot signals requires an adequate optimization with plenty of params which isn't necessary with strategies using few or even no indicators at all.


Have you ever heard, or read, that it is usually simple things that work best ?

All these combinations of indicators is just to satisfy the always over complicating part of the brain that tries to make the solutions as complex as possible just to keep you busy and far away from the simple but elegant few ruled winning solution.  

To me this talk about indicators, indicates the level of the one providing the query.

What i mean by that is, Talking about indicators, indicates something about the person that is talking about indicators.

Once someone say's indicator, i immediately have a picture of where they are on their journey to success. 

I have seen people that were looking for the right way move close to the fire, they could almost touch it, and then they moved away to colder area's and i wondered why.

Maybe they did not find the solution, or they did not realize that they had found a possible solution, and just reverted back the same o'l belief systems you need indicators to trade.

It's funny in some sense because an outsider can see the error, here is a guy asking others what type of failure they use, and how many failures they will stack on top of each other to see if it will turn into a success. 

But of course it won't. 

You can also see this, because the offered range starts at one and can go up to infinity, but the real answer, zero, isn't offered as a choice, this already tells you the bias of the questionnaire, 'one or more, you need indicators to trade, and i'm not having it any other way'. 

Marco vd Heijden:

Have you ever heard, or read, that it is usually simple things that work best ?

All these combinations of indicators is just to satisfy the always over complicating part of the brain that tries to make the solutions as complex as possible just to keep you busy and far away from the simple but elegant few ruled winning solution.  

To me this talk about indicators, indicates the level of the one providing the query.

What i mean by that is, Talking about indicators, indicates something about the person that is talking about indicators.

Once someone say's indicator, i immediately have a picture of where they are on their journey to success. 

I have seen people that were looking for the right way move close to the fire, they could almost touch it, and then they moved away to colder area's and i wondered why.

Maybe they did not find the solution, or they did not realize that they had found a possible solution, and just reverted back the same o'l belief systems you need indicators to trade.

It's funny in some sense because an outsider can see the error, here is a guy asking others what type of failure they use, and how many failures they will stack on top of each other to see if it will turn into a success. 

But of course it won't. 

You can also see this, because the offered range starts at one and can go up to infinity, but the real answer, zero, isn't offered as a choice, this already tells you the bias of the questionnaire, 'one or more, you need indicators to trade, and i'm not having it any other way'. 

It's easy even with an ea wizard to create an EA with 10 indicators ; it will be accurate, results may also be excellent, but i think it's clumsy. 

@Marco vd Heijden "the less there's the better is", suits me perfectly - but watching at the poll result, I read that people would add to their ea "as many indicators as they need & can".

Icham Aidibe:

It's easy even with an ea wizard to create an EA with 10 indicators ; it will be accurate, results may also be excellent, but i think it's clumsy. 

@Marco vd Heijden "the less there's the better is", suits me perfectly - but watching at the poll result, I read that people would add to their ea "as many indicators as they need & can".

And you still wonder why 95% of them are losing...

Marco vd Heijden:

And you still wonder why 95% of them are losing...

Well ... I was just wondering .. :)