Sending binary options trades in GUI via MT4. - page 2


Moderators should probably consider somehow preserving the logic of the moderated sentence.

Because "you should download a demo of <bank offering brokerage of real options on own platform>" is not the same as "you should download a demo", isn't it?

Change it to "you should download a demo of *****" or add a comment "broker name omitted". Use your brain. 

Users should understand that they can not continuously drop names/links to external services/brokerages/banks and etc.

You are doing that on a constant basis.

Use your brain.


I doubt it can be called 'on a constant basis'.

Anyway, no point of arguing. I'll try to not do it again.

The irony is MetaTrader 5 has way better options trading functionality built-in, but it's nowhere to be found.

If only MQ's demo server offered this for trading.

Options Board - Trading Operations - MetaTrader 5
Options Board - Trading Operations - MetaTrader 5
An option is a derivative financial instrument. Basically, it is a contract that grants the option buyer the right but not obligation to buy or to sell an asset at a previously agreed price (the Strike price) at some point in future. The option seller, in turn, is obliged to sell or buy the asset, if the buyer decides to exercise the option...