Problems with Metatrader 5


Let me say that Metatrader 5 is a beautiful piece of software, a work of art, and I am a screaming fan! However there are a few problems, not all of them I can explain clearly.

First, the graph goes too near the edges of the screen, up and down. this creates difficulties due to another issue with the program and that is the drawing of equidistant channels. Sometimes I try to draw an equidistant channel and since the graph is too near the border my mouse leaves the screen and the equidistant channel seems to 'crash', meaning that I struggle to adjust it. Personally I prefer the method in Metatrader 4 where one of the lines extended a lot longer than the other which allowed for better extrapolation.

Second, the help information is not good enough because it does not help useless nubes like me. In Metatrader 4, each section had an example so as to get the general idea. The lack of examples makes it very difficult to fully understand how to utilize each function. You might consider having some kind of forum where people who have used each function can clarify its capabilities like with PHP  manual, for example, check the layout here:

Third, I should warn about a problem that happened in Metatrader 4 that I suspect may happen with version 5. In 4, I created an indicator with a circular argument (I had a 'for' within a 'for'). My software crashed and I could not restart it. I deleted the program and every part of it I could find in the registry, but every time I tried to reinstall it, the new version would crash. It seems to me that Metatrader 4 stores information (like personal data) in another secret place and it seemed to me that the circular argument was also transferred to the reinstalled version so that it would automatically crash. Incidentally, I believe that when you uninstall a program you should have the right to delete ALL of it, not just some...

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types - Documentation on MQL5

Regarding your first issue. You can "shrink" the chart vertically by clicking and holding your mouse button on the price column (right of the chart) and dragging it down.

Let me say that Metatrader 5 is a beautiful piece of software, a work of art, and I am a screaming fan! However there are a few problems, not all of them I can explain clearly.

First, the graph goes too near the edges of the screen, up and down. this creates difficulties due to another issue with the program and that is the drawing of equidistant channels. Sometimes I try to draw an equidistant channel and since the graph is too near the border my mouse leaves the screen and the equidistant channel seems to 'crash', meaning that I struggle to adjust it. Personally I prefer the method in Metatrader 4 where one of the lines extended a lot longer than the other which allowed for better extrapolation.

Second, the help information is not good enough because it does not help useless nubes like me. In Metatrader 4, each section had an example so as to get the general idea. The lack of examples makes it very difficult to fully understand how to utilize each function. You might consider having some kind of forum where people who have used each function can clarify its capabilities like with PHP  manual, for example, check the layout here:

Third, I should warn about a problem that happened in Metatrader 4 that I suspect may happen with version 5. In 4, I created an indicator with a circular argument (I had a 'for' within a 'for'). My software crashed and I could not restart it. I deleted the program and every part of it I could find in the registry, but every time I tried to reinstall it, the new version would crash. It seems to me that Metatrader 4 stores information (like personal data) in another secret place and it seemed to me that the circular argument was also transferred to the reinstalled version so that it would automatically crash. Incidentally, I believe that when you uninstall a program you should have the right to delete ALL of it, not just some...

On the third problem, you have to delete the indicator itself on MetaTrader4/experts/indicators. Or you can also delete the profile so it won't load when you run it, or change the name of the profile. These are just what I think will work, I've had that problem before and I did something like this.

Reinstalling doesn't solve the problem because the experts folder (which contains the indicators) and profile folder aren't deleted, and then you install on the same folder and metatrader loads them like before. If you installed on another folder, it would be ok. For MetaTrader 5 probably all I said above applies.

Thanks for the advice. However, when I deleted metatrader 4, I deleted everything that I could find, first I uninstalled the program, then I deleted the remaining folders, then I searched the registry... and now I can install metatrader 4, and it opens the first time, but then it doesn't open afterwards :-( But that's the problem with nubes like me; there are a thousand and one possibilities regarding what went wrong :-) I would be interested to know where metatrader stores personal information, because every time I reinstall the program, it still knows my name and address...

Fortunately, now I know version 5 more than I know 4 so I shall stay with it, but it would be nice to have all the currencies to choose from...

While I remember, another thing I hope the will be improved in Metatrader 5 is the ability to choose the timeframe of the bars in the toolbar above... right click and select is just annoying!

Another problem I have is that I have written many indicators. When I delete an indicator via MetaEditor, the indicator goes, but its name remains in insert-indicator-custom which means I have a load of empty links clogging up this area and I don't know how to delete them.

Another issue related to this is that I inserted a folder into the indicator section (MQL5/indicators), but MetaEditor did not read it and I could not see it in MetaEditor.

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Chart Constants / Types of Chart Events
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Chart Constants / Types of Chart Events - Documentation on MQL5


Another problem I have is that I have written many indicators. When I delete an indicator via MetaEditor, the indicator goes, but its name remains in insert-indicator-custom which means I have a load of empty links clogging up this area and I don't know how to delete them.

You probably deleted only the mq4/mq5 files, while the ex4/ex5 files were left there. Use some file manager to delete those too.
Could you tell me how I find the ex5 files? I can't see them in my folders neither in MetaEditor...

Using the #import statement gives a compiler error:

 '#import' - #import was not closed nextclose.mq5 28


 works fine on MQL4... This was the statement that caused the error


#import "kernel32.dll" <<<================

int GetTimeZoneInformation(int& a0[]);




It also happened when trying to import the Fann2MQL.DLL

Both DLLs are in the ......MQL5\libraries directory. However, MQL5 was not installed on the C: Drive (Programs.....) and it is a 64bit machine.

I tried to install MQL5 with the 32bit terminal, but that did not work either. Any Help?

#import problem resolved:  The stdlib.mqh being included did not have an ending #import   
Could you tell me how I find the ex5 files? I can't see them in my folders neither in MetaEditor...
In MQL/Indicators/

I'm aware that they should be in MQL5/Indicators/, but when I open this file, I can't see them, neither by searching through my folders nor through MetaEditor. Even in the MQL5/Indicators/Examples, I can only see the mq5 files. Regarding my own indicators in MQL5/Indicators/ I can see the mq5 files in MetaEditor, but I can't see them when I go via program files, my computer says that the area is empty, and nothing appears when I use windows Vista's search facility! Window's 'Show hidden files and folders' does not help. I could see the .ex4 files when I had metatrader 4.


I'm aware that they should be in MQL5/Indicators/, but when I open this file, I can't see them, neither by searching through my folders nor through MetaEditor. Even in the MQL5/Indicators/Examples, I can only see the mq5 files. Regarding my own indicators in MQL5/Indicators/ I can see the mq5 files in MetaEditor, but I can't see them when I go via program files, my computer says that the area is empty, and nothing appears when I use windows Vista's search facility! Window's 'Show hidden files and folders' does not help. I could see the .ex4 files when I had metatrader 4.

Is it possible that you have 2 installations of MT5? Then you could be looking in the wrong folder.