Important Problem with MT5



In this moment I am testing one EA in three different currency pairs. The EA had opened 8 positions. Suddenly, MT5 has closed all my open positions at the same time. I thing thas is not a problem of the EA or margin call, I have enough money in my account.

Has MT5 any restriction related with number of opened positions??

It is very frustating!!!!

What does the log say ?
Marco vd Heijden:
What does the log say ?

I have the EA in the VPS


I have the EA in the VPS

Then right click on your VPS >> journal and see what the log says.

Eleni Anna Branou:

The right click on your VPS >> journal and see what the log says.

Thank you, I am not at home now, I will check the VPS journal and I will tell you something 



In this moment I am testing one EA in three different currency pairs. The EA had opened 8 positions. Suddenly, MT5 has closed all my open positions at the same time. I thing thas is not a problem of the EA or margin call, I have enough money in my account.

Has MT5 any restriction related with number of opened positions??

It is very frustating!!!!

How do you know this is not a problem of the EA? You don't show the log neither the EA settings neither explain how the EA works